I love homemade food. If to be exact, it's all kinds of ketchups, yoghurts, jam, condensed milk and a lot of other delicacies. Like any mom, I take care of the health of my children and prefer to do everything myself, rather than buying food in stores.

Condensed milk in a multivariate
However, the problem was that these products require special conditions, which are difficult to achieve without special devices.

Previously, to make yogurt, we haddo a lot of superfluous and very long wait until the leaven in the thermos will turn into a delicious treat. I will say right away that I just could not do it. So I was tortured until my husband gave me a multivark! Now I easily make complicated dishes, and one of them is condensed milk. In a multivark, it's easy to cook, literally with a single keystroke. Next, I will share my recipes and observations about how easy it is to cook with a programmable device.

Condensed milk in the multivark for 1 hour

Earlier, to cook this favorite treatmy children, I had to stay on duty for a long time on a saucepan that was placed in another saucepan to form the effect of a water bath and also - constantly stir the mixture with a spoon. Every mom knows what cooking turns into when someone constantly pulls you up to the hem and calls you to play, and you can not tear yourself away from the "important" process!

So all life passed in the kitchen. Today I just add the right ingredients to the machine, install the program and go into other things.

Condensed milk: a recipe for cooking

Take in equal proportions milk, sugar and milk powder. Important note: use the domestic milk powder, not the production of China. Put the ingredients in the machine, setthe "quenching" program and the timer for 1 hour. After the time has passed, you can pour the resulting liquid into the container for further cooling. Initially, the condensed milk in the multivark will be liquid. Do not worry, it will thicken when it cools.

Culinary recipes in the multivarque to save time

Recipes in the Multivariate
Since this assistant appeared in myhouse, I learned what "all time" and "free time" are! The device is accompanied by a book of recipes, and now I am happy every day with home useful food.

In the multivarker you can cook pie, jam, yogurt, ketchup, stew, borsch, casserole, julienne, soups and much more! The principle of the device is:

  1. Take the necessary products.
  2. Wash, cut, shred.
  3. Spread the ingredients in the sequence that is indicated in the recipe.
  4. Set the recommended mode.
  5. You get the result.

Condensed milk
Who said that a woman should have all her timeto spend in the kitchen? Now there is no such need, and you can finally devote time to your family and your development. I even started working, though not leaving home: I write articles for magazines where I share my experience with other women while my condensed milk is brewed in a multivarquet.

Suppose, to prepare borsch, I do notyou need extra pans, and do not need to wash the gas stove and walls after cooking. Even I make a roast in a multivariate. And now - borscht is ready for all technologies of a healthy lifestyle, and the kitchen has remained clean. After this I decided that now I will give those I love very much, it is the multivarquet as a gift. I would like my mom and girlfriends to finally find out what it's like to live not only in the kitchen.

I wish every mistress to have this miracle machine in the house so that your family will eat exclusively natural products, and you yourself finally have time for yourself.