The conditioner for linen "Vernel" was loved by manyhousewives. Without fragrant rinsers it is difficult to imagine our present life, because they impart softness and smoothness to our clothes. About this manufacturer we will tell in our article.

Classic Werner Conditioner

conditioner for linen

We are used to the fact that after a washing machineclothes smell nice and fragrant. This is achieved due to the fact that the last rinse uses a special rinse aid. The company Vernel pleases its customers with the fact that it produces a lot of air conditioners with a wide variety of odors.

The most common options are:

  • "Breeze". This fragrance is classic and in high demand. A gentle smell of light sea breeze gives things freshness.
  • "Summer morning".Each of us now remembered how pleasantly it smells at this time of year! Especially since morning, when the sun is shining brightly, and around - bright flowers and emerald grass. So the manufacturer embodied our memories into reality. The fragrance of this conditioner will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • "Tropical Rain."Probably, few of those who purchased such air conditioning "Vernel", have ever seen this natural phenomenon with their own eyes. This attracts this fragrance: it is unusual and pleasant. The smell of fresh pineapple, mango and other tropical fruits in combination with the freshness of the rain beckons customers.
  • "Freshness of winter".This flavor is very common among other manufacturers. But the "Wernel" it is special. The rich smell of winter snow, frosty freshness will please everyone who buys such an air conditioner.

For sensitive skin

linens for clothes

The manufacturer took care not only ofmake the conditioner for linen "Vernel" fragrant. Some buyers, unfortunately, have an allergic reaction to an ordinary conditioner. For such a category of people, a special agent for sensitive skin has been developed. They do not contain sharp fragrances, and their composition is more sparing.

Substances that make up this conditioner, smooth the surface of the fabric. This avoids irritation.

Hypoallergenic properties of this rinse aidwill come not only to people with sensitive skin. The "Sensitive" series includes the "Vernel" air-conditioning for children, designed especially for children.

Now you do not need to buy different products for adults and kids: you can use the whole family.


linen conditioner for clothes photo

Those who use the air conditioner know how convenient this tool is. Rinses of rinsing are:

  • Pleasant smell of clothes.It turns out that it contains special capsules that are absorbed into the fibers of the tissue. After you put on, for example, your favorite blouse, these capsules, invisible to the eye, start to burst and make a pleasant scent.
  • Soft clothes that are easy to iron. Silicone, contained in this tool, removes all the folds on the laundry.
  • Dirty permeability. The conditioner creates on clothes invisible film which allows things to remain pure as long as possible.
  • Antistatic effect. Many synthetic products can be shocked, especially in the winter season. The rinse aid removes this drawback.
  • Concentration. You will have enough of such a means for a long time, since one liter of such a remedy will replace three conventional ones.
  • Preserving the appearance. Surfactants not only make things soft and smooth, but also protect them from the effect of wiping.

Application and precautions

conditioner for linen reviews

"Vernel" - conditioner for linen (photo it isin the review), which is very simple to handle. You will only need one cap per 5 kg of dry linen to make it fragrant and pleasant to the touch.

If you are washing in a typewriter, pour the remedy into a special compartment designed for it. The program itself will calculate when it is necessary to wash laundry with air conditioning.

In the case where you use a manual method,first rinse thoroughly. After that, divide half of the cap into the basin with warm water, dip the clothes into it, and after a minute take it out and squeeze it. Things will be slightly soapy to the touch, but this is a normal effect, you do not need to rinse it out specially.

Use this product with caution,because it contains surfactants, which can be dangerous if it gets into the eyes or mouth. If you can not avoid such a trouble, rinse your face thoroughly. If accidentally swallowed, urgently call an ambulance: the air conditioner can cause a burn of mucous membranes.

Try not to wash things newborns with "Vernel". Even very small crumbs can respond unexpectedly to such a remedy. It is better to abstain from it until the baby grows up a little.

"Vernel" (conditioner for linen): reviews

Customers praise this conditioner. They liked the various flavors of this product, as well as the effect that is achieved through their use.

According to consumers, this air conditionerreally worthwhile. After washing, things do not require thorough ironing. Thanks to special components this means allows to forget about any antistatic. Synthetics no longer "shoots", remaining soft.

Of the shortcomings, buyers noted the harsh odor of some types of air conditioners. For such people it is recommended to apply those that are intended for children. They do not contain such fragrant fragrances.

I like the fact that the bedwashing after washing with this product becomes very very soft. Even the most dense fabric under the influence of Vernel becomes fluffy and pleasant to the touch.

Almost everyone who used this air conditioner was satisfied. He is called the leader among similar means.


air conditioner back

Today all housewives actively use for washingclothes conditioner for laundry. Reviews about such a tool of the company "Vernel" are mostly positive. Buyers like that things after it become pleasant, soft and fragrant.

And be careful if you suffer from allergies: for you, the manufacturer has developed a special series of air conditioners.