Our life is hard to imagine without an air conditioner. And since one of the most affordable and inexpensive today is considered a floor conditioner, reviews about this mobile device should be carefully studied before deciding on its purchase. Let's talk more about this device.

outdoor air conditioner reviews
The outdoor air conditioner maintains the set room air parameters: temperature and humidity. Some models are also capable of ionizing and purifying air.

Floor air conditioners are also called mobile,because they can be moved and transported. However, mobility is relative, because their design features allow operation only in close proximity to window openings. This is the same for monoblocks and split systems.

What is floor monoblocks, explain wellmany users who provide their feedback photos. The pictures show that these are mobile air conditioners consisting of one unit. A corrugated hose comes out of the housing, which is called the air duct. On it from the room is air. The length of the duct is usually up to one meter, but the corrugation can be slightly stretched if necessary. In outdoor air conditioners there are also openings through which the intake and extraction of air takes place.

mobile air conditioners
Now about some inconveniences that cancause outdoor air conditioning. User feedback is often negative due to the fact that many do not think how to remove and fix the air duct. If a window is provided in the usual wooden window, it is easy to open it and insert the sleeve of the air duct there. But what about the metal-plastic windows, in which there are no windows? If you open the window in the ventilation mode, it is not so easy to insert the duct in the upper part of the opening. And if you open the window wider and take out the air duct through it, then in hot weather the efficiency of the floor air conditioner will go down several times because of the air coming through the window.

How to achieve tightness when removing the duct and make a more effective outdoor air conditioner? The responses of resourceful citizens will help to solve this problem.

floor air conditioners reviews

One of the users wrote about what he didbump hole in the wall under the windowsill. The space between the outer diameter of the duct and the concrete was sealed with a mounting foam. The so-called outdoor air conditioner reviews are only positive. After all, it was possible to improve the efficiency of the device by reducing the length of the air duct and to preserve the aesthetics of the interior, in which the volumetric corrugated sleeve does not appear at all.

If you carefully examine floor air conditioners,reviews about them on the Internet, then more effective and aesthetic are floor split systems. There is a mobile unit in the room, and an auxiliary one behind the window. Two of these units are connected only by a flexible tube, through which the refrigerant is pumped. This tube can easily be withdrawn through a slightly open metal-plastic window or hole in the frame. In comparison with floor monoblocks, such systems are less noisy and serve longer.