Quite often the situation happens that the voice has disappeared or gone. Treatment in this case depends on the cause of such an ailment. And there can be several of them:

  • Overexertion of voice, emotional story and scream. In a compartment with a nervous overstrain all this leads to a sowing voice.
  • Cold and inflammatory processes. It can even be angina or any other disease.
  • Problems with voice arise with the use of cold drinks. Very often it happens in the summer.

How to be treated if a voice has sat down?

In the case where the problem arose due tooverstrain of the vocal cords, you need to calm your nerves. For this you can drink valerian, make a delicious tea, adding honey and lemon. Better even that it was a mint drink. If you need to continue talking, an emergency aid will be a small spoon of cognac. It would be nice to drink it in pure form, but you can add it to hot tea. In order not to have a voice at all on the threshold of a tense situation, it is better to drink warm milk in advance (periodically). A clean potassium juice can help to cope with the already begun hoarseness. It is very important that he be absolutely sugar-free. The same effect gives grape juice.

With catarrhal diseases and inflammatoryprocesses along with the medicines prescribed by the doctor, it is absolutely necessary to perform the procedures for rinsing the throat. An effective remedy in this case is the decoction of marigold. You can brew flowers with steep boiling water and let it brew. And there is the opportunity to do even easier. It is enough to add a few spoons of ready tincture to hot water, which is sold in any pharmacy. Rinse should last a long time (about an hour). It would be nice to take advantage of the additional folk remedy - to breathe the steam from the boiled potatoes in their uniform.

If the voice sat down from a cold drink, it was worththis is foreseeable. It is better to take care of yourself beforehand, then correct mistakes. To cope with such ailment will help a decoction of chamomile, whose ferry should be breathed. He will remove all the inflammation and calm his throat.

If you lose your voice, by no meansyou can not talk too much and even more so whisper. This strains the ligaments, and the situation is only aggravated. It is recommended to be silent more. However, if the voice has sat down and it does not recover at all, and more than 4 days have passed, then it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist. Only the doctor has the opportunity to prescribe the correct and appropriate medication. Otherwise, the chronic stage of the disease will occur. In this situation, coping with the disease will be more difficult.

Osiplost voice in children

Not only adults often face this kind ofproblem. Children also experience hoarseness. In this case, contact with a doctor should be immediate. To delay with treatment of an illness it is impossible. Otherwise, all this will result in very serious consequences.

One of the reasons that the child has a voiceis a congenital disease. However, the doctor will more accurately conduct the research and diagnose. Another possible cause may be getting into the larynx of foreign objects or food. All this complicates the breathing of the baby, hence the problem with the voice too. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the infatuation of a child with seeds or nuts. After all, shells just can cause hoarseness.

Often the problem with voice is a consequence ofa special psychological state of the baby. Any screams cause the appearance of small bubbles, from which breathing is difficult. And accordingly, the child can not normally talk. And so the larynx of children is sensitive, and because of cries becomes vulnerable to various diseases.