In the autumn period there are cases when a personsuddenly the voice disappears. "What to do?" - there is a reasonable question. The problem is often the result of a viral infection or a common cold. But the cause of loss of voice can be and overstrain of vocal cords, and hypothermia.

the voice disappears what to do

The voice often disappears: causes

The first and most frequent, which is the causeloss of voice, - the disease of the upper respiratory tract. Scientifically, this is called laryngitis, an inflammation of the larynx. Mucous is inflamed, the process can take place without fever or any other symptoms. The timbre changes, becomes lower, sharper, there is perspiration, dryness, cough, which even more irritates the throat. As a result of all this, the voice disappears. What to do? Naturally, treat, but more about this later.

Bundles suffer and with the simplestsupercooling. Conversations in the cold air, frozen hands and feet, the absence of a scarf in the autumn wind, high humidity in the cold air - all this is quite capable of affecting the condition of the larynx and lead to bezgolosiyu.

how to quickly recover a missing voice

You can also lose your voice because of stress. Nervous overexertion affects the whole organism as a whole, sometimes choosing a certain point for maximum damage. And the victim often becomes a person's ability to speak and sing.
Another reason for the loss of voice may behigh burden on the vocal cords. People who need to talk a lot are affected by this - teachers, lecturers, singers, entertainers and theaters. Since for such people ligaments are a working tool, it is very important to know how quickly to restore the missing voice. There are many ways to apply which one depends on the original reasons.

When the voice disappears - what to do?

First of all - be silent. Speak articulate sounds you are unlikely to succeed, and strain the already injured ligament is not worth it. Even better, if you do not even whisper, or at least reduce the whisper to a minimum. The fact is that during a whisper, the ligaments are strained much more strongly than in a normal conversation.

voice often disappears

And here you have no temperature, nothing hurts, butthe voice disappears. What to do, because you need to go to work? No, you need to stay at home and provide a dry throat and warm, plentiful drink. Helps warmed milk with honey. Temporarily abandon the acute, hot and salty - additional irritation of the larynx you to anything. If there is no temperature - get your feet stuck, put on the breast mustard plaster or not very hot hot water bottle. To return a voice to you usual rinses will help, as at inflammations of a throat - salt, soda, an iodine or tincture of a calendula, or broth of a camomile. Do not be too lazy to do softening inhalation with chamomile and eucalyptus oil. If the cause of loss of voice lies in the nervous overstrain, it is necessary to drink a sedative, give yourself a rest, get enough sleep.

It is important to remember that the true cause can beinstall only a doctor, so do not be lazy to go to the clinic and consult. Self-treatment rarely passes safely and without a trace. Take care of yourself and be well!