Melting today takes a leading position in theworld of hairdressing industry. This well-known procedure for the whole world is more than 10 years old, and it is already considered a classics of style. This method of staining can radically change the image.

Melining on dyed hair can be carried out andat home, however, in order to achieve the desired effect and obtain an ideal result, it is better to seek help from the masters of your business. The fact is that the hair after the toning changes its structure somewhat, so the procedure of highlighting the strands, held independently, can not always be successful.

Lighting on blonde hair, photoswhich girls often take to the beauty salon to show the master the desired effect, is now very popular. Blondes have always been considered a model of femininity and beauty, and the color separation of individual strands will only add to the image of charm and make it more expressive.

Owners of light hair want sometimesupdate your image by adding new elements to it. Strongly expressed, catchy colors will look on ladies with blond hair too provocative. And I do not want to say goodbye to my blond curls. To solve such a problem, and there is a highlighting. Lighter strands will give the hairstyle a graceful and slightly coquettish look.

Melting on dyed hair is not only suitablenatural blonde. For the hair color painted in light tones, walnut shades or caramel colors perfectly suit. Melining on dyed hair also effectively helps to hide overgrown roots.

highlighting on dyed hair

Possessors of blond hair are incredibly lucky. To date, this shade is very relevant. Melining on dyed hair will help revitalize the appearance of the hairstyle. Handsome women are ideally suited to strands of almost all colors - golden, red, honey and even red hue.

Dyed dark hair most often haveintense chestnut color. Such a head of hair is easy to give a highlight, using accentuation with both dark and light strands. There are several types of melioration of dark hair, and the most popular of them is the Californian way. This method is used by many Hollywood stars.

 highlighting on dyed hair photo

Melirovanie on dyed hair, photoswhich can be seen in any fashionable magazine, will suit and burning brunettes. However, they should do this procedure only with the help of a professional. The task of the hairdresser will be to choose the right oxidizer or paint. Strands can be a bit lighter, and a bit darker, it depends on the type of hair. Moreover, special attention should be paid to the very technique of this hairdressing procedure.

highlighting on blonde hair photo

As for redheads, they canto use fashionable today melirovanie on dyed hair. Red curls are in themselves a highlight, but their beauty can be advantageously emphasized, focusing on individual strands. Red-haired beauties suitable light, chestnut and even black hues of strands. Lovers can stand out from the crowd can be advised to use the paint red and blue-black hues.