In Russia in the last years more and more is created films about religion. In the world cinema such paintings were created throughout the XX century. Foreign directors continue to shoot these films today. The article tells about the best films about religion, made both by domestic filmmakers and foreign ones.

movies about religion

Documentary film

Films about religion are not only films, dedicated faith. Some pictures have a pronounced atheistic character. For example, the film of Peter Joseph "The spirit of time". In this documentary, religion has been subjected rigid criticism. True, the film was not only considered Christian theology, but also the official version of the terrorist act that occurred on September 11, 2001.

In 2008, Larry Charles was filmed a film that in Russian translation is known as "Religious" or "Believers". Scenario for the film was written by Bill Mar. He also played the role of presenter, visiting different parts of the world and communicating with representatives of various religions.

Which book is the most readable in the world? Of course, Bible. Nevertheless, it is still unknown how,under what conditions it was created. Are not biblical stories fiction? How much do they correspond to historical events? The creators of the film about religion tried to answer these questions "Bible - Secret materials". The film was released in 2014.

Before the war, almost all the churches were closed in the Soviet Union. However, this could not kill the faith. About how she helped during the war to Soviet soldiers to fight against fascism, described in a film "Prayer for victory". Other films about religion: "Saint Nicholas the Savior", "The Prophets", "Unfastening", "Fools".

documentary films about religion

Artistic pictures

There are many films about religion.Among them there are comedies, which are hardly approved by the church. There are also animated films about religion, recreating the famous biblical stories. Among the most famous art paintings are the following: "Silence", "In the spotlight", "Monk and the devil", "Angels and Demons", "Book Elay", "Delusion", "Deliver us from the evil one". To films about religion it is possible to carry and the well-known "The Da Vinci Code", which quite unexpectedly interprets the content The Bible.


Martin's movie Scorsese, released on the screens in 2016, caused mostly positive reviews. In this, of course, played a significant role actorial composition. One of the central characters played Liam Neeson, famous in the nineties thanks to the image of Oscar Schindler. By the way, the picture of Steven Spielberg is often referred to the category of Christian cinema.

To create a religious drama "Silence" Scorsese was preparing for more than twenty years.The film shows the events of the XVIII century. Two priests go to Japan in search of their teacher, who, according to rumors, gave up faith. In the Land of the Rising Sun, Christianity at that time was outside the law. Catholics and Protestants did not destroy the authorities, but they forced them to renounce the church.

best movies about religion

Russian films

As already mentioned above, in our country inIn recent years, films that are devoted to religion, rather to Christianity, have been appearing more and more often on screens. Perhaps the whole point is that this topic was closed for more than seventy years. About the Faith narrates the 2006 film "Island". It examines the main theme of Christianity, andit is repentance. During the Great Patriotic War, the protagonist commits a sin, then repents and for the rest of his life he prays for the soul of the person who died through his fault. This is the plot of the "Island", which collected several film awards.

Yet one domestic film about the Orthodox faith is a film "Pop". According to the opinion of the creators of the picture, the scriptbased on real events. The action takes place during the war. Soviet troops are retreating, the German authorities are supporting the Orthodox Church. The main character is the rector of a small provincial church - turns out before a difficult choice.