The severe climate of the Urals is not conducive togrowth of fruit crops. And therefore, for a long time almost no one has been engaged in gardening in this region. True, there were rare enthusiasts who tried to plant fruit trees imported from the central strip of Russia. These trees were rarely used, as they were adapted to a milder climate. The apple varieties for the Urals were supposed to be more enduring.

apple varieties for the Urals

But science developed, and began to appearselection stations for gardening. There scientists worked, who successfully created new winter hardy varieties of fruit crops. And now the leading position in this region is occupied by the "Gardens of the Urals" - a nursery that, under the leadership of Alexandra Miroleeva, has been engaged in the industrial cultivation of seedlings of berry, fruit and ornamental crops since 1980. It is located in the Sverdlovsk Region near the city of Artemovsk.

This is a modern and constantly evolvingan enterprise that covers an area of ​​60 hectares, works productively and each year produces at least a million seedlings, among which there are the best varieties of apple trees for the Urals. These are the Ural bulk, Welsh, Solntseedar, Uralets, Papyrojantarnoe, Silver hoof and other well-known varieties. More breeders of this kennel grow many varieties of currant, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, honeysuckle and even grapes.

the best apple varieties for the Urals

Yes, now there are completely different types of apple treesfor the Urals. Take, for example, the Sunflower apple tree. This is a summer, high-yielding variety that produces apples of medium size. The fruits of Sunflower have a light cream color and sweet and sour taste. They are used in the form of dried fruits, as well as in fresh form. Still these apples are suitable for processing. From them you can make compotes, juices, jelly and fruit wines. In addition, the Sunsadar is an excellent raw material for jam and cider. And thanks to the high content of pectin from this variety, you get a delicious jam, jelly, jam and mousse.

gardens of the Ural cattery

It's also not bad in the Urals that the Uralsbulk apple. This variety was brought out by crossing the red Papirovka with Ranetki. And as a result, a very frost-resistant apple tree with small and round fruits turned out. The flesh of these fruits is tender, white, sour-sweet and juicy, with a very pleasant taste. In addition, the Urals liquid apple is well kept - 45-60 days. And the fertility of these apple trees is extremely high. They annually give more than 200 quintals per hectare. It also happened that more than 250 kilograms of apples were collected from one tree.

Some varieties of apple trees for the Urals were brought to usfrom abroad. These include the Welshie variety, which was bred in the US state of Minnesota sometime in 1860. This apple tree has an average winter hardiness, and its fruits can be stored until January. The fruits of Welsey have an average value and weigh 100-150 grams, cherry red. The flesh is whitish, with a pink tint near the skin itself. These are juicy and crispy apples with a pleasant sourish taste.

varieties of the Ural apple trees

And one of the most winter-hardy apple varietiesis "Uralets". It was received after Kitaiku Voskova was pollinated with a mixture of pollen Ukrainka Saratov and Anis pink striped. This is a very strong and durable tree with a solid and pyramidal crown. It fructifies in small, up to 60 grams, apples of round-conical shape. They are very juicy with a sharp, sour-sweet taste. And the fruits of the Urals ripen in the early autumn and are stored up to a month and a half.