As it turned out, the main enemy of delicious cucumbers -stress. But how to grow cucumbers so that this phenomenon does not exist? Following simple advice, you reduce stress to a minimum. And this means that there will not be undesirable bitterness or diseases and pests that quite often amaze cucumbers.

1. Moistening of the soil

It is necessary to provide plants with the right amountof moisture. Especially it concerns the period of flowering and fruiting. Stress, which causes a lack of moisture, increases the content of substances responsible for the appearance of bitter taste.

Cucumbers grow quite quickly, so starting fromtype of soil and weather conditions they need from 25 to 50 millimeters of water a week. If you do not know how to grow cucumbers, remember one thing - it is very important to keep the soil in a slightly moistened state.

2. Maintain the required temperature

Cucumbers do not like hot weather. The high temperature of the atmosphere not only negatively affects the quality of the crop, but also provokes an increase in the number of male flowers. If the climate in which you live is very hot, you need to give plants a shadow, especially in the afternoon time. In this matter, high crops planted from the south or a simple cloth awning can help you. It is important that he does not miss 50% of the sunlight.

3. For the cucumber is very important heated soil and light

Want to get a good harvest of delicious vegetables, butdo not have a clue how to grow cucumbers? Then plant them in a well-lit place in drained and warmed soil. Ideal option for cucumbers - high beds. You do not need to sow seeds or plant seedlings when there is still a threat of strong frosts. And the soil must be heated to a minimum of 15 degrees.

4. Fertilizers

Cucumber, growing and caring for youtry to ensure, will be able to please you with a good harvest, only if the soil in which they grow is pre-treated with organic fertilizers. Two great options: to bring in mature manure or good quality compost. The soil must be loose and light. After some time, when shoots are already formed and the first flowers will grow, it will be necessary to once again make compost or other fertilizer in the inter-row. Are the leaves turning yellow? This indicates that the plants lack nitrogen and they need additional fertilizing.

5. Cucumbers should have room for growth

How to grow cucumbers if they do not have enoughplaces? No way. If you provide plants with the necessary space for growth, you can remove one more reason for stress. If you decide to grow cucumbers on trellises, they should be planted in 25-30 centimeters from each other. If you squeeze seedlings, holes with seedlings or seeds should be placed at a distance of one meter. Shrub varieties should be planted at a distance of 90 centimeters.

6. Clean the weeds

Technology of growing cucumbers to you nowIt is familiar, but it is very important to monitor the weeds. Cucumber beds and the place that adjoins to it, it is necessary to keep in order, that is, to remove any weeds. After all, a large number of them - hotbeds of infection, causing drying. Usually it is spread by a leaf beetle. Be prepared for the fact that these insects especially "love" plants that are weakened.

7. Cover

Arrange a strip shelter toprotect seedlings. You can cover them with plastic or paper caps or build a small greenhouse. This will help to get a better harvest faster and ensure rapid plant growth and flowering. In addition, shelters are protected from any pests.

It is very important not to forget to take off all the shelters when the flowering begins.

8. Cucumbers should not grow!

Based on the variety of cucumbers, they are usually50-70 days after they are planted. The size of a fully ripened cucumber also depends on its variety. For example, some American salad varieties reach as much as 20 centimeters in length. And most of the pickle cucumbers grow to just 10 centimeters.

9. Proper collection

Many truck farmers, when picking cucumbers, just break them off the whip. But if you have doubts whether you can do the same without damaging the plant, use the pruner.