Pelargonium fragrant is a well-known plant,possessing a mass of useful properties that are effectively used in folk medicine. The evergreen shrub is from South Africa (Cape of Good Hope) and was cultivated for artificial purposes because of its decorativeness and for the sake of obtaining the essential oils found in the leaves of the plant and its stem.

Pelargonium fragrant
In a warm climate, Pelargonium fragrant, often referred to as geranium, due to the similarity of the leaves of both plants, is grown on an industrial scale.

Description of Pelargonium scented

Pelargonium fragrant - absolutely unpretentious incare flower, quickly rooting and multiplying easily. The stalk of the plant is densely branched, lignified at the base, a little less than a meter in height. The top leaves, the range of color of which varies from pale green to dark shades, are located alternately, the lower ones are opposite; stalks are hairy. Uniformity is often diluted with impregnations of red or Burgundy color. Decorates the leaves of the pelargonium frill along the edge or deep cuts. The flowers are collected in umbrellas and please the look of various colors: purple, red, pink, white. The plant has a weakly expressed aroma, a very fragrant pelargonium with the smell of lilac is very beautiful.

pelargonium scented photo

The qualitative growth of pelargonium fragrant depends on such factors as:

  • good lighting;
  • timely regular watering;
  • warm climate;
  • pruning;
  • topping;
  • absence of spraying.


Pelargonium fragrant, care at home forwhich does not represent a particular complexity, feels comfortable on warm and light windowsills; most of all the plant is suitable for southern windows. The plant very much loves the direct rays of the sun, with their lack, ceases to please others with their flowering or blossoms very poorly. Pelargonium is well cultivated in hanging baskets and pots. These flowers like a warm climate, direct sunlight, good drainage.

Content temperature

In winter, the most comfortable temperature for pelargonium + 8-10 aboutWith heat, in summer + 25-30 aboutC. And in this period of time the plant is recommended to keep in the street or on the balcony.

The room in which the flower is located is required to be ventilated regularly, ensuring the flow of fresh air.


In watering Pelargonium fragrant loves moderation: Overabundance of water can cause decay of roots and wilting of leaves. In winter, the supply of moisture is required to be cut at times - the plant will easily transfer its deficiency. Spray pelargonium is not necessary, since the flower does not suffer from dry air at all. This procedure can be done except in the summer, at a very hot temperature.

Additional fertilizing

Two months after Pelargonium transplantationis recommended twice, with an interval of two weeks, to feed. Improvement of flowering is due to liquid mineral fertilizers (with a maximum of phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen); the organic raw material the flower absorbs poorly. Especially the feeding is actual during the period of active growth.


In order to ensure lush flowering of pelargoniumIt is required to cut off each year, leaving shoots with 2-4 nodes. In the meantime, remove yellowed and dried leaves. To carry out these manipulations, you need to use a sharp knife, hands to tear off the leaf is not recommended, because the rotting of the lacerated edges may begin. Places of slice it is desirable to sprinkle with charcoal.

The soil

The most comfortable is Pelargonium scented, medicinalthe properties of which are appreciated by folk medicine, will feel in a soil rich in nutrients. It can be a self-made composition made of peat, sand and garden soil. At the bottom of the landing tank, a good drainage layer should be laid. In order to provide oxygen access to the root system, the earth is periodically required to loosen.

For the cultivation of pelargonium most of alla small pot is suitable: if the capacity is too large, the plant blooms not so brightly and abundantly. The lush form of the crown of pelargonium can be given by making a pinch in February or March (removing the growth point). Young plants are recommended to have an annual transplantation, to adults - as the roots of the flower pot are fully braided.


Vegetatively and seeds - the two ways in which Pelargonium is fragrant. Care at home (photo) is simple, if planted correctly.

pelargonium scented care at home photo
With the vegetative method, the green apicalCuttings with at least 3 leaves are cut at the end of the winter or summer season. The cut is made just below the knot, at an angle. Cuttings must be dried for several hours; Before planting, it is recommended to treat the cut sites with a growth stimulant and charcoal. In the planting container, it is necessary to place a substrate of identical parts of peat, turf and sand. The container with plants is placed in a place where diffused bright light penetrates; the soil is constantly sprayed. Rooting occurs within 15-20 days. Then strengthened seedlings are required to be planted in individual containers. Pelargonium fragrant will begin to bloom approximately 5-7 months from the moment of rooting.
Pelargonium scented care at home

When growing pelargonium by seeds, their sowingoccurs in December and February. As a primer, peat in its pure form or in conjunction with sand will do. Seedlings will appear in three weeks. All this time, the soil needs to be regularly moistened, and young plants to create a greenhouse effect, covering the container with film or glass. In a separate container pelargonium is transferred after the appearance on it of three leaves. The prickling should be done with the number of leaves at least 6. The first flowering of the young plant is observed about a year later.

Problems in the cultivation of pelargonium

  • Pelargonium fragrant (photo) does not bloom.
    pelargonium scented medicinal properties
    The reason for this may be the wintering of the plant at high temperature and bright light.
  • The stem of the stem turns black. Perhaps Pelargonium is affected by root rot.
  • The edges of the lower leaves dry; leaves turn yellow. This sign indicates a lack of moisture in the soil. It is required to water the plant more often.
  • Withering of the lower leaves, their yellowing and rotting. Frequent watering, not allowing time to dry out the soil. Leaves are required to be cut off, and the places of cuts should be treated with a powder of crushed coal.
  • Swelling is observed on the leaves. This indicates an excess of moisture in the soil. Pelargonium must be watered two days after the top layer dries.
  • Gray rot. Stagnated water stagnation in the substrate.

Of worms, pelargonium is preferred by whitefly and aphid.

Useful properties of pelargonium

It is believed that Pelargonium fragrant - a flowerhealth, protection and love; she is able to lift the mood and get rid of the negative. If the pink flowers of pelargonium bring a person love, then White gives the joy of motherhood. Fresh leaves of Pelargonium are used to aromatize water when taking bath procedures or in the last water when rinsing hair. Pelargonium essential oil, which increases mental activity and physical performance, is widely used in soap making, perfumery and cosmetic production. This remedy is an excellent antidepressant, helping in the fight against the state of fear and anxiety, restoring the emotional state and auspicious aura.

Pelargonium essential oil is optimally suited forsensitive skin; It has regenerative properties, it helps in the fight against rash, scaling, burns, inflammations. Carrying out long-term aromatherapy will help in normalizing blood pressure.

Pelargonium fragrant: medicinal properties

Photo conveys the beauty of the flower of the room, which is present in the apartments of many amateur growers.

scented pelargonium with the smell of lilac
High pressure will remove two sheets of pelargonium, tied to the wrists. In this position it is recommended to sit around pelargonium for about 15-20 minutes.

From migraine will help get rid of 2 sheets of pelargonium, rolled into a tube and placed in the ears.

pelargonium scented medicinal properties photo

From insomnia and increased nervous excitabilityyou can get rid of, using a decoction of the crushed sheet of pelargonium, filled with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. To drink such a drug is recommended twice a day before meals for 50-100 ml.

Skin diseases can be cured with infusion fromcrushed plant leaves. To do this, a tablespoon of raw material is required to fill with a glass of boiling water, hold it for 5-7 minutes in a water bath, strain, wring out and bring boiled water to the original volume. Take three times a day on a tablespoon.

Toothache will help to remove a sheet of pelargonium, which in a carefully mashed condition is required to attach to the focus of pain.