How do you want to have a paradise on your sitea corner where you could enjoy the fragrant scent of different colors, listen to bees buzzing, watch the butterflies stirring and feel a light exhilarating breeze! If you work hard in the early spring, then your dream will become a reality.

flower beds from annuals
A cozy place will help you to create flower beds fromannuals. Why them? Firstly, every year you can make absolutely new flower beds. Practicing different combinations of colors and ways of placing them in the ground, one day you will find an absolutely perfect option for you. Secondly, annual flowers for flowerbeds are much easier to grow, and then combine and make different floral patterns. After all, you will plant the seedlings, which means that all plants will be planted in the soil at almost one point. By making flower beds from annuals, you can achieve simultaneous development and flowering of plants. In addition, they do not have to be weeded once again in the spring, if the winter cover the ground with a film or cover up. In this case, perennials would have brought a lot of trouble, because they are very proliferating and can clog the flower bed, giving it a neglected appearance. Accordingly, every year they need to be pruned, cleaned and cleaned of excess sprouts, but, you see, it's much more difficult than planting flowerbeds of annuals every spring. It is worth noting that all landscapers use them for decorating urban flower beds. If you do not want to bother with seedlings every year, you can buy it in the early spring or just before planting, although it's easier to grow it on a seedling.
flowers annuals photo

At present, there are a lot of differentvarieties for every taste. The unpretentious include salvia, godetia, ageratum, nasturtium, marigolds, koleus, viola, petunia, escholzia, forget-me-not, calendula and many others - all these are annual flowers. Some photos are in this article. They will quickly grow and, gaining strength, will, without ceasing, bloom, pleasing you with another large bud, and then a bright flower.

flowers, annuals for beds

If you dreamed of smashing on your backyardsection regular flowerbed, then annual flowers you are exactly needed. They will blossom a colorful carpet. Recall that the regular regular flower beds are called, on which the drawings are made from flowers. Of course, they need to be selected in such a way that the height of the plants was about the same, and the combination of colors should be performed, otherwise the flowerbed will look messy.

And you can give different accents, for example,Plant a plant with a higher height or install a frame for a curling flower, which from a distance will be conspicuous. If the flowerbed consists of several tiers, a small fountain, lined with creeping plants, or a few undersized ones with large flowers, will be located on the top. On the lower tier plant ornamental plants along the perimeter, and in the center - plants that bloom almost the whole season, for example, petunias, begonias or marigolds. Flowerbeds from annuals decorate any site, will please you with rich colors and aroma.