Many gardeners who planted plum trees onhis plot, complain later that there is no harvest. This may be due to incorrect selection of the variety. Breeders have developed many of them, which have excellent characteristics: frost resistance, precocity, yield. One of them is the plum "blue gift". We will talk about this sort further in the article.

Plum "blue gift": description

The named variety was introduced by the selection and technology institute as a result of crossing the "Ochakovo" and "Timiryazev's" plums. The main characteristics of the "blue gift" look like this:

  1. The tree is medium in height, with an oval crown, not very thick. The color of the leaves is dark green.
  2. Oval saturated purple fruits weigh 14 g. Have a pronounced waxy coating. The seam is not very pronounced.
  3. Blooms on May 12-19, fruits are ripening by August 20. Fruits after 4 years, regularly.
  4. The experts evaluated the taste of the fruit with 4 points, the aroma and sugar content of the average level. The flesh of the fruit is yellow-green, juicy. The lag of the bone from the pulp is satisfactory.

Слива The blue gift

Advantages of this plum are:

  • high winter hardiness;
  • self-fertility;
  • good harvest;
  • universality of fruits.

A minus is the small weight of the fruit.

Plum "blue gift" brings good harvests. On the branches of the tree fruits are placed in large quantities, as in sea buckthorn. True, rare cases of crop absence after very cold winters have been noted.

Selection of seedlings and planting

Gardeners have an opinion about whimsyplum tree. This is partly true. It is not always easy to grow a good plum crop in the central part of Russia. Winter thaws and a short summer are serious obstacles to the cultivation of fruits. Not the last value is given to the microclimate and on the site itself.

Plum Blue Gift Description

Planting the plum "blue gift" is to be carried out on an elevated site protected from the north by a forest. Marshy and peaty soil, lowlands or areas near rivers are not at all suitable for a plum tree.

For planting should be selected seedlings of high quality, with developed roots, and the trunk of them should be at least one meter in length.

Planting a tree is best in the early spring. After planting, it is cut at a level of 40 cm in height, the cut is treated with oil paint. In the upper part, branches will grow, from which the crown will form in the future.

Сорт сливы Blue Gift

Protection against diseases and pests

The plum variety "blue gift" is resistant to diseases and pests, but preventive measures do not prevent it. To prevent the appearance of diseases and parasites, you need:

  1. In the early spring time, spraying plants with HOM, protecting against fungal diseases and aphid propagation.
  2. At the beginning of flowering, during the budding stage, trees are treated with fungicidal agents to prevent moniliasis and klyasterosporiosis.
  3. Using boric acid by spraying increases the number of ovaries.
  4. To prevent infection with aphids, insecticides should be used.
  5. Bordeaux mixture protects against a variety of diseases.
  6. Pheromone traps and spraying with insecticides will help with the moth.

Following these useful tips will help to grow a quality crop on your site and please yourself and your family with home preparations.