The drug "Buskopan" has an antispasmodic effect directed at the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, urogenital and bile excretory systems. The drug also reduces the secretion of digestive glands.

The drug "Buskopan". Instruction: indications

The drug is prescribed for spastic conditionsbiliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract (cholecystitis, renal, intestinal colic, pilorospazme and others). The medication is indicated (as a component of complex therapy) with peptic ulcer in the duodenum and stomach in the acute stage. The drug is also used for algodismenorrhea, spastic dyskinesia in bile ducts.

The medicine "Buskopan". Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed for patients older than six yearsthree times a day for one or two tablets inside or rectally suppositories (suppositories). The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by a specialist individually.

Tablets should be washed down with water in sufficient quantities. Candles are inserted into the anus anteriorly with a pointed end.

The drug "Buskopan". Instruction: side effect

Undesirable manifestations when the drug is usedare associated with its anticholinergic action. Patients may have dry mouth and skin, drowsiness, palpitations, probably difficulty urinating. Possible allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, shortness of breath (in rare cases).

Contraindications to taking the drug"Buskopan" instruction refers to swelling in the lungs, zakratougolnuyu glaucoma, myasthenia, pronounced atherosclerosis in the vessels of the brain, megacolon (malformation of the colon), as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the agent.

The drug is administered with caution to patients with prostate adenoma, with constriction (stenosis) of the pylorus, obstruction of the intestine of a mechanical nature, tachysystole with fibrillation in the atria.

Feasibility of medication appointment"Buskopan" during pregnancy and lactation is determined by a doctor. At present, there is no evidence of a negative or safe effect of the drug on the fetus or on the newborn breast fed.

Cases of overdose by pills in the clinicalpractice is not described. Presumptive symptoms of the condition are manifested in the form of dry mouth, tachycardia, urinary retention, redness of the skin, transient visual impairment, suppression of GI motility. As a first aid, gastric lavage with activated carbon is used.

The drug "Buskopan" strengthens the calledbeta-adrenomimetics tachycardia. The drug is able to enhance the anticholinergic effect of drugs antihistamine group, tricyclic antidepressants, amantadine, quinidine, disopyramide.

Simultaneous use of antagonists of dopamine and the drug "Buskopan" weakens the effect of both drugs on the digestive tract.

The preparation in tableted form and in the form ofSuppositories (rectal) are recommended to store at a temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees in a place inaccessible to children. Shelf life of the drug is five years, after which the drug should not be used.

On the use of the drug in gynecology"Buskopan" reviews of experts are more positive. So, according to the results of clinical studies, the drug in suppressing muscular contractions provoked by acetylcholine, was forty-four times more effective than the bioequivalent dosages of Drotaverina spasmolytic. These and other research results allow to classify the drug "Buscopan" as an effective antispasmodic of local effects, and also recommend its use as a part of complex therapy for patients with symptoms of discomfort and spasmodic pain.