The drug "Ophthalmoferon", consumer reviews confirm this, is an effective antiviral agent.

The medication is available in the form of drops (eye). The following components are included in the composition of this remedy: recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, dimedrol, boric acid, trilon B, sodium chloride, polyethylene oxide, polyvinylpyrrolidone, sodium acetate and hypromellose.

Ophthalmoferon drug, reviews aboutwhich are predominantly positive, has a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of viral diseases of the organs of vision. Unique properties of the drug are explained by its complex composition.

Recombinant human interferon alpha-2bis absolutely safe when contaminated with hepatitis and immunodeficiency viruses. It has anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antimicrobial effects.

Present in the medicament dimedrol removes edema and eliminates allergies, its use is indicated for the treatment of acute viral infections of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Boric acid has a harmful effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Because the medicine in question haspolymeric base, it produces a prolonged therapeutic effect, and also performs the function of the so-called "artificial tear" (in addition, it reduces or completely eliminates the need for its additional use, so necessary in defeats by viruses and to prevent a repeated breach of the integrity of the tear film).

The drug "Ophthalmoferon", reviews of experts isconfirm, differs by a wide spectrum of activity against viruses, effectively eliminates inflammation, anesthesizes, regenerates, and also possesses immunomodulating action.

The indicated drug is shown toapplication for the treatment of adenoviral, hemorrhagic, herpetic conjunctivitis; cartilaginous, vesicular, dendritic and point keratitis; adenoviral or herpetic keratoconjunctivitis; herpetic uveitis, keratouveitis. Medication "Ophthalmoferon" (patients' reviews confirm this) eliminates the "dry eye" syndrome.

This drug is also used toprevention of the development of herpetic infections of the organs of vision before or after surgical interventions in keratoplasty. It is also shown after carrying out refractive excimer laser surgery to treat edema, inflammation and to moisten the surface of the cornea.

This pharmaceutical agent is not administered with individual sensitivity to its components, as well as an increased level of intraocular pressure.

In the course of experimental clinical and(based on the Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute) found that the use of this medication reduces the period of elimination of the follicular reaction in conditions of adenoviral conjunctivitis, promotes the removal of edema and hyperemia, activates the regress of infiltrates (subepithelial) in keratoconjunctivitis of epidemic nature.

It is noted that the drops of "Ophthalmoferon" during pregnancy and breast-feeding are not contraindicated. Moreover, the choice of this drug during this period is considered the most optimal.

For the treatment of acute diseaseit is recommended to install one or two drops in each eye up to eight times a day, and if the inflammation process is stopped, up to three times. The procedures are carried out until the symptoms disappear completely. Depending on the type and degree of severity, a different duration of treatment with Ophthalmoferon can be recommended.

Analogues of this medication are such means as Intron A, Altevir, Interferal.