The article is devoted to the description of the skin disease,which is called "microbial eczema." Its main symptoms were described as early as the beginning of the 19th century. Today, it is a fairly common skin disease.

What is eczema? This is a chronic skin pathology that has acute inflammatory symptoms and is accompanied by relapses. If a person begins to suffer from irritation on the skin, a rash appears accompanied by itching, then it can be eczema.

Especially it is necessary to reflect on visit to the doctor,if softening creams do not relieve relief. Eczema can be triggered by neuro-allergic causes. The obsolete name of the disease is "moknushchy deprive". About 40% of skin diseases are types of eczema. Often it occurs as a child, and then acquires a chronic course. The reason may be the failure or irregularity of the treatment.

Microbial eczema is a clinicala variety of specimens and is divided into varicose, numular, posttraumatic, eczema of the nipples. The emergence of this disease is provoked by a weakened immunity with an increased susceptibility of the human body to staphylococcus or streptococcus. It is microbial eczema that is currently widespread. Than it is caused? Medical experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that people today are more often subjected to various stressful situations.

Such skin disease is usually accompanied bythe appearance of a large number of bubbles. Fusing with each other, they burst. In this case, the skin is affected, including the scalp. However, the main places of dislocation pathology - are the hands and feet. If a person carelessly refers to hygiene, sweats badly, the foci of the disease can occur in skin folds.

Most often suffer from lower limbs. The lesions are located on the skin, which is inflamed. On it there are wet erosions, vesicles, purulent or serous papules. The foci are used to merge with each other, they are not separated by areas of healthy skin. The appearance of such a rash accompanies a strong itch. Inflammatory foci, which provokes microbial eczema, developing, are covered with multiple purulent crusts. They are surrounded by parts of the periodically tearing layer.

Above mentioned varieties of the pathology in question. If we talk about them in more detail, we can describe the following manifestations.

Varicose. It develops in the presence of varicose veinsexpansion of veins, which accompanies chronic failure of venous vessels. Microbial eczema of this variety can be triggered by factors such as skin injuries in places of varicose veins, infected trophic ulcers, etc.

Numular (plaque, coin-like). In the presence of rounded foci (10-30 mm), with clearly defined margins. The surface is hypersmall, wet and swollen. Its layers are covered with serous-purulent crusts. It is usually localized on the skin of the hands.

Post-traumatic. Development occurs around various skin injuries. The pathology of this variety may be a consequence of the fact that the healing processes and protective functions of the human body are understated.

Microbial eczema of nipples. Appears due to frequent injuries of the female nipples during breastfeeding. Some patients become ill because of constant scratching with scabies.

Treatment of the disease depends on its etiology, but, first of all, is directed to the infectious focus and its elimination. In parallel, background therapy is used.

Diet with eczema

It is necessary to exclude from use acute andsalty foods, as well as alcohol, bee products, citrus fruits and preservatives. Medicinal products are prescribed individually. As a rule, antiseptic agents are used, antibiotics can be prescribed.