Many artists and scientists have been trying for yearsunravel the mysteries of the human body, looking for perfect proportions of man. This question is still open today, because at the subconscious level each of us strives for harmony and perfection.

Ideal proportions of a person

The answer to this difficult question is very simple. First of all, ideal proportions of a person should be harmonized with regard to his physique, height and age.

If you carefully examine your body, you cannote that the distance from the wrist to the beginning of the elbow is equal to the size of the foot. The length of the shin (including the foot) will be equal to the length of the thigh, and the patella will divide the leg into two completely equal lobes.

The femur is uniquely longer in this caseshin, and it is longer than the foot. Also the forearm is shorter than the humerus, but longer than the wrist. Dropped down the hand will reach the ends of the fingers exactly to half of the thigh.

The unit of measurement of the human body is usuallytake the length of the head. The ideal parameters for the ratio of the length of the head and the height of the human body are 1/8 and 1 / 7.5 in men and women, respectively. Recently, there is a tendency to change the proportions of the body, and today the ratio 1: 9 for a person is considered the norm.

Ideal proportions of a person's face

The human face, like his body, must have strict proportional relationships:

- The distance from the border of the hair to the beginning of the chin should be 1/10 of a person's height;

- the length from the crown to the beginning of the chin should be 1/8 of a person's height;

- the distance from the beginning of the chin to the tip of the nose is 1/3 of the length of the entire face;

- The distance from the border of the hair to the eyebrow line should be 1/3 of the length of the face;

- The length of the ears is equal to 1/3 of the total length of the face.

This pattern can be traced on the faceeach person. But in life, people with ideal proportions of the face are rare. As a result of some deviations from perfect proportions, individual facial features appear. That's why all people are different.

Change in the proportion of a person with age

With age, the proportions of the body change. Children are noticeably different from adults with a long body, short legs and a large head. Thus, in a newborn, the length of the head is 1/4 of its height, in two years it is 1/5 of a part, in six years it is 1/6 of a part, and for an adult it is 1/8 of a part. As can be seen, only in the process of growing up the proportions of the child begin to correspond to the adult person.

Basic Body Types

Knowing the dimensions of the body, you can calculate the type of physique of a person. The calculation is fairly simple and is done using the value of the PI index (Piñe).

To calculate the Pignier index, it is necessary to sum the body weight and the circumference of the chest. Further from the value of the length of the body it is necessary to subtract the result obtained above.

If the Pignier index is 30 or more, then the person is of the asthenic type and has a lean physique.

If the index is equal to a value of up to 30, then a person can be referred to an athletic type with a normal physique.

If this index is less than 10, then the person refers to a picnic type with a stout physique.

Research results

As a result of numerous studies,it is proved that the proportions of a person's body directly affect the duration of his life. This fact was argued by scientists from the United Kingdom in conjunction with the German Institute of Healthy Nutrition. Specialists conducted studies on the relationship between the risk of premature death and body proportions and came to the unanimous conclusion that with a large waist circumference, the probability of premature death increases.


Virtually all parts of the human body havecertain proportional relationships, but their values ​​may have individual deviations. If your proportions do not coincide with ideal parameters, do not be upset. After all, the main qualities in a person are his personality, harmony and health!