How to learn to pull up on a horizontal bar girl
To learn how to learn to pull onhorizontal bar with a standard straight grip (knuckles to yourself), it will be nice to work out some muscles in advance. This is very good to help push-ups and just hang on the bar. It is enough to do a week or two of these exercises for five approaches, in every attempt trying to make as many pushups as possible. After this, after getting warm, you can proceed to the horizontal bar. Perhaps, after a week of push-ups, you will be able to pull up one or two times, even if you have not been able to pull yourself up before. If you still do not achieve this result, you can just hang on the bar as long as possible and do it several times for training. Another way: with the help of a chair or something else to climb on the bar, fix yourself as if you have already pulled yourself up (chin over a horizontal bar), and hang in such a pose as long as possible, and when there are already no forces to hang practical, very much slowly sink down, slowly bending your arms. All these exercises will strengthen muscles and joints and prepare you for the first pull-up.

Exercises on the bar for girls

Exercises on the bar for girls
Sooner or later the moment will come when youyou can pull yourself up once! The first time may seem difficult, with jerks and great efforts. At first it is permissible, but the main thing is that in the future you do not forget to pull up correctly, calmly, completely bending and flexing your arms. It is better to stretch your body once, correctly, without jerking, than twitching three times. When you reach the level that you can perfectly tighten once, you will need to increase the amount of pull-ups. It will help you to go to the bar as often as possible and train as much as possible. Pull yourself once, try again one more time. At the same time pulling can be complicated by the fact that when you tighten your chin behind the bar, you will become stiff in this position and slowly lower or try to pull up as much as possible - to the chest, and not to the neck. If it does not, then get off the bar, rest 30 seconds or a little more and try to pull yourself up again. So it should be done as often as possible. To visit the horizontal bar, if you are just starting to learn the basics, how to learn to catch up on a horizontal bar girl is recommended five days a week, and the rest two you can rest.

What to do besides pull-ups?

Classes on the bar for girls
In addition to the horizontal bar, it will be a good idea to pressbars and swing the press, because the muscles of the press, although not much, but still involved in pulling. This also helps to understand how to learn to pull up on a horizontal bar girl. But most of all when training on the bar develop muscles of the upper body. Depending on the width of the grip with the arms of the crossbar, the load goes to different muscles - to the latissimus muscles of the back, the flexor muscles of the arm, the muscles of the chest, and this is good practice on the bar for girls. When you learn to pull up seven or eight times and at the same time do several approaches, you can begin to engage in various pull-up programs. And when you can pull ten or fifteen times, you can use weighting, for example, hang a small load (up to five kilograms) and pull yourself up with it. Most often it is necessary to hang, holding a direct grip, since it uses most of the muscles, but sometimes it is necessary to pull up for a change with a back grip (knuckles to yourself). For example, for the development of the widest back muscles, coaches recommend tightening with a straight, wide grip, but not spreading their hands too wide to slow the development of muscles by reducing the amplitude. But the latter is more suitable for those athletes who already know how to learn to pull on a horizontal bar girl, and want to improve their results. They should remember that it is not recommended for wide pulls to use a back grip because of the risk of tearing the ligaments. Despite the fact that you need to go to the bar often, do not forget that the muscles need rest for recovery. So if you feel that your muscles are tired and aching, then allow yourself to rest from training for a day or two. The main thing is desire and perseverance, and if you began to engage in pull-ups, do not stop and do not drop visits to this projectile, and then you will achieve high results.