It turns out that not only in a direct, but also in a figurative sense, it is possible to brew porridge. The meaning of phraseology today is the focus of our attention.

Before the era of instant products

make a mess of phraseology

Now it's hard to imagine, but once porridgewas laborious enough to prepare a dish, and it was sculpted as a work of art, for a variety of church holidays. Public holidays both then and now are extremely troublesome and require the involvement of a large number of people. Of course, such an enterprise generates confusion.

That's why, when they remember the phraseology "brewed porridge", it means that someone with their actions caused excitement, disorder in the circle of acquaintances or strangers.

Which is better: to brew porridge or to disentangle?

If we are talking about food, then, of course, there is muchit's more pleasant than cooking (although this is controversial). The point of view changes when it comes to the figurative meaning: the creation and resolution of difficult unpleasant situations.

By their actions, to generate pain and suffering for other people is bad, but it's not too good to waste time correcting other people's mistakes.

In other words, it's not better to brew porridge (the meaning of phraseology was found a little earlier) - it's no better than to disentangle it.

A stern father and stumbled high achiever

phraseologism brewed porridge

All people from time to time want to lifewas a little easier than it is. Therefore, they do all kinds of obscene things. It turns out that anyone in the risk group, which means that there is a possibility that almost everyone can brew porridge (the meaning of phraseology is no longer a mystery covered in gloom).

Let's say that a temptation arises in front of an excellent studentto write off the control, and he concedes to it. And the teacher noticed, put the "deuce" and said that now the student will stay after class all week and clean the class.

There's nothing to be done, this is the psychological law: if a bad person becomes a little better, then he will be the best and the best. If a remarkable person once stumbles, then he immediately turns into a notorious scoundrel. Our schoolboy fell into the trap of a stereotyped pattern. But it would not be so bad. Now he was going home and did not know how to say about his failure to his father. I bet that at home the boy will understand what it's like to brew porridge, the meaning of phraseology will be clear to him as a day.

- Dad, I was writing off on control today, but I was discovered and thrown out of class with a shame.

- And what are you waiting for? I will not pity you.

"But, Papa, Mariana Ivanovna will leave me all week after class!"

"It's all right, I've made a mess of it!"

Severely, but fairly. However, it is usual to remember the porridge in more serious circumstances.

"Brew porridge" and "get in the binding". The difference in the meaning of phraseological units

made a mess of porridge

The first folk wisdom requires that a persontook responsibility. A valuable lesson, which is sometimes not taught even by parents, to the advanced years of the nanny of their children. The latter do not even know what responsibility is.

It is not enough to understand the situationphraseological "brewed porridge", it is also necessary to get out of it with honor. And these two parts do not exist alone without the other. The expression, in which the "porridge" is mentioned, indicates to the person: he himself has condemned himself to the test experienced by him, so he has to correct the curve of fate.

The second phraseology states the perfectthe innocence of a person in his tragic or problematic situation. Let's remember how wicker furniture is made. If, for some reason of a production nature, the master made a mistake, and when creating his work a pebble hit him, the latter is not at all to blame for this. He just turned out, as they say in American films, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Comparison of the two phraseological units with moralpoint of view suggests that even in the most desperate situation it is better to take responsibility, and not to blame the circumstances. If a person entrusts his fate to external reality, he can not change it already.