For a novice computer user, and notonly, any information concerning its functions and terms is important. It is necessary to navigate the vast world of the Internet and use all the possibilities of modern technology. When working with a computer, the server is often used. Therefore, let's talk a little about what a server is and what functions it performs.

To begin with, dry terminology.The server is a separate computer that is capable of processing a very large flow of information and constantly performing certain tasks. It differs in its functionality.

The server can provide and control access to a certain group of people (for example, company employees) to the Internet. E-mail processing is also one of the server functions.

When you connect to the Internet and accessA specific address is constantly mentioned by the server. It provides access to the Internet, namely to certain pages of any users. This is the answer to the question, what is a web server. Simply put, this is our guide in the World Wide Web. It is he who ensures the connection of computer users all over the world with an infinite number of sites on the Internet. It is thanks to him that you read this article.

So, what is a web server we figured out. Let us now talk a little about other species.

A server that provides collection, storage andprocessing of video information and video games, is called a video server. Like any other similar, it is installed on a computer that must have a large memory and high performance.

We very often search for the necessary information in the World Wide Web. This is possible only with the help of search servers that perform this function.

The mail server helps us process incoming e-mail. It provides services that are a response to sent e-mail requests.

Work on the Internet provides a WWW server. These three English letters are familiar to all users of the World Wide Web, as the beginning of the address on the Internet.

When we make a request to the database, to workconnects its server. He processes the information received and finds the desired solution. You probably already found out for yourself what a server is? But the transfer is not over yet. The computer has great capabilities and one of the main roles in this is exactly this main computer.

All information must be secured in order to restrict access to confidential data. This function is performed by the protection server.

The application server supports auxiliary functions. For example, when setting a problem, it selects the necessary information in various databases.

If you need mass access to information, then the remote access server is connected to work. Everyone who connected to the Internet met him.

Finally, a file server that stores, searches and distributes information to a specific group of users.

From this review you can see what a server is. It is almost indispensable intermediary when working or organizing work on the Internet or among a certain group of people.

When working on a computer and on the InternetSeveral servers are involved. Communication takes place with the help of one of them. It, in turn, can communicate with several other servers to provide the necessary information or perform the assigned tasks. All data is provided on the basis of certain standards of the Internet.

Work with the web server is carried out by means of a browser. All processes that run the server are called clients.

I think we sorted out a bit about what a server is. The main thing is that without his participation it is impossible to work on the Internet. Server services are not visible, but necessary.

What is a server? This is the main participant of almost all the processes taking place in the world of computers.