The miracle of the emergence of a new life occurs insecret, hidden from prying eyes. 9 months the baby develops in an organ called the uterus. It is adapted to protect, nourish, and at the end of pregnancy - to expel a child ready for an independent life. The structure of the female uterus is ideal for all functions performed. It will be discussed further on.

So, the uterus is a hollow organ, which means that insidehe has space. Also this organ is muscular, which allows it to adapt to the size of the baby, and also participate in the process of delivery and shrink after birth to stop the life threatening young mothers bleeding.

In shape, the uterus resembles a slightly flattenedan inverted pear. The upper part, connected with the pipes, is called, oddly enough, the bottom of the uterus. But the lower part, closer to the outer opening, bears the name of the body of the uterus.

Inside, between the front and back walls,there is a thin slit, the cavity of the uterus, in the upper corners the luminaire of the fallopian tubes begins. Below, the cavity is transformed into the cervical canal, the narrowest part of this organ. This channel opens into the vagina.

The structure of the woman's uterus is very unusual. You can start by saying that the mucosa here is different from all the others in the human body. It is called "endometrium." In a woman who is not pregnant, the endometrium is destroyed and rejected every 28 days into the uterine cavity. On average, this process (menstruation) lasts four days. Four days the inner surface of the uterine cavity is an open bleeding wound. That's why doctors do not recommend having sexual relations during menstruation, although time is attractive for some men, and the risk of getting pregnant in the first days of menstruation is zero. However, remember - infection in an open wound these days is extremely likely. It's no wonder that world religions prohibit sex in the days of "monthly cleansing," this is a world experience, take care of yourself.

Blood from this naked wound surfacepoured out together with the endometrium. Poets from medicine say that the uterus "cries" because of the fact that no pregnancy has occurred. After menses, the mucosa is restored. And the yield of the ovum (ovulation), and menstruation depends on the specific cycles of secretion of the body hormones.

The structure of the womb is very complex. The thickness of the uterus wall is about 1.2 cm. It consists of three layers - a thin outer serosa, a muscle layer and an endometrium. There is no serosa on the lower surface. In the muscular layer there are three fascicles, the two outer muscle bundles run obliquely and longitudinally, but the one located in the middle is circular. The largest vessels pass exactly in the middle of the muscle layer, so this layer was given the name of a vascular one.

Endometrium has two layers: functional, which is rejected and basal, which after menstruation completely revives the destroyed functional. Basal remains during menstrual bleeding and almost does not change during the cycle.

The structure of the uterus during pregnancy is brightfeatures. The smooth muscle cells of the muscle layer increase 10 times in length and 2-3 times in width. Cells are divided, and not just lengthened. This process is stimulated by estrogen.

The structure of the womb of a woman, more precisely, the innerThe surface covering the uterus depends on the phase of the cycle and the presence or absence of pregnancy. There are 3 states of the endometrium of a non-pregnant woman. The menstrual phase (the first 4 days), the reparative phase (lasts until the second day after ovulation), the progestin phase (under the influence of progesterone, from ovulation to new menstruation). If fertilization occurs, a new organ is formed - the placenta.

Thus, the structure of the uterus of a woman changes in accordance with the cyclic hormonal processes. And in pregnant women, the changes are fundamental and involve even the muscle layer.