Since ancient times, the people are widely usedapple cider vinegar in cosmetology, which includes organic acids and vitamins. Such a rich composition has only a favorable effect on the skin.

Apple vinegar for the face is used torejuvenating, antiseptic, cleansing effect. In addition, apple cider vinegar is considered effective for the skin in order to remove pigment spots and treat many skin diseases. This healing property of this remedy is due primarily to the fact that the acidity of apple cider vinegar practically does not differ from the acidity of the skin of the human body.

Cosmetologists recommend to people who have fatface skin, wipe it with a tissue moistened in diluted apple cider vinegar. Such lotions will dry it, and with regular procedures it will become smooth and silky.
Applied apple cider vinegar in cosmetologyalmost all the women of the world, because the microelements, vitamins, pectins and enzymes contained in it allow you to fight with undesirable manifestations of problematic and aging skin.

Use apple cider vinegar for the face needs onlynatural. You can prepare it yourself or buy in a store. When buying, pay attention to its composition: the natural product should not contain anything, except apple cider vinegar and water.

Sometimes it is advisable to use 100%apple cider vinegar for the purpose of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal action on the skin. A rich vitamin means significantly improves blood circulation in the skin, tones it and nourishes, so many masks and tonics prepared at home using this product, help to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new ones.

In addition to useful properties, this tool has grown fond ofmany women who care for themselves, and accessibility - a fairly low price, as well as the possibility of self-cooking allow you to use it everywhere.

Cosmetic products based on apple cider vinegar:

  1. Apple cider vinegar is used for cookingtonic, but it can not be used in its pure form, it must be diluted with water. Different proportions are used for each skin type. For all skin types, except for fatty, the ratio 1:10, and for oily and combination - 1: 5. Wipe your face with such a preparation, prepared at home, preferably in the morning, as apple cider vinegar has a matting and pulling effect.
  2. Favorably affects the skin of the face of the ice fromvinegar. For this, it is necessary to brew flowers of chamomile, herbaceous grass and lavender taken at 1 tbsp. l. Add a little apple cider vinegar. The received infusion should be frozen and in the mornings to wipe their face. Such regular procedures will help women prolong the youthfulness of their skin.
  3. Effective for peeling skin with applevinegar, for the preparation of which you need a spoon of honey, salt and vinegar. The resulting mixture is applied to the face, massaged lightly for 2 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  4. Pale fading skin will help tonemasks from apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to take such components: egg yolk, spoon of sour cream, honey and apple cider vinegar, mix everything well and apply on face, soak for 15 minutes.
  5. People who have a problematic skin prone to acne will help clear it and narrow the pores of the mask with the addition of oatmeal, honey and vinegar.
  6. Improve the complexion and structure of the skindaily use of diluted apple cider vinegar. To prepare a healing drink, you need to add a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of vinegar to the glass of water, and drink on an empty stomach. As a result, the skin becomes white and clean.

In addition, that apple cider vinegar in cosmetology is known as an effective remedy, it is still used for medicinal purposes against many diseases.