If you do not know how to change the name "VKontakte", then this article is just what you need.

how to change the name in contact

Why do we even come up with the idea of ​​a changename? Most likely, once you registered in this social network, choosing a funny or strange nickname. This is understandable: many people have such a situation, because a few years ago hardly anyone thought about how popular this resource will become. Now, when almost everyone in Russia (and also Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and some other countries) has its own "live" page with a lot of friends and acquaintances, many want to change the name "VKontakte" to the present.

In fact, from a functional point of view, it is not so difficult to do. The main problem is moderating the new name by site administrators.

How to change the name "VKontakte": technical questions

In order to change the name, first of all goon your page. Then, under the avatar, select the "Edit page" section. The menu opens, with the first section - "Basic" - automatically selected. Just here you can change the name "VKontakte." Changes in this case can be done both in the name and in the surname, and you can fix both fields at once.

Done? Are you sure that you do not want to change the name again? Then click the "Save" button. All! Your new name is sent for moderation, it remains only to wait patiently. As a rule, users learn about the decision of administrators after a few hours or days. From what does this decision depend? Let's understand.

change name in contact

How to change the name "VKontakte": rules for moderators

In the event that before your nickname was somethinglike Shchastlivy Yozhig, and now you decide to change it to your passport name and surname, then there should not be problems. The administration of the site, of course, encourages non-industrial names, real photos and reliable information. In a word, the moderators "VKontakte" against the dominance of fake accounts.

In the same case, if the situation is directlythe opposite, that is, you had a real name, and for some reason you want to change it to a fake one, then you have almost no chances. You can try changing the name. Not necessarily in Russian: look in the Internet for beautiful English, French or Scandinavian names. It is desirable that they look like Russified, that is, those that are quite realistic to meet in Russia (for example, Schneider, Kronberg). It is possible that the moderators will meet you, deciding that you may have got married (if you are a girl) or just changed your surname in real life.

In the event that you had a frankly fake nickname, which you want to change to, even if it's fictional, but similar to the real name, your chances are significantly increased.

change name in contact

Remember that refusing to change your name is not"Harmfulness" of the administration, and concern for other users. The fact is that from fake accounts, pornographic and nationalist content is often distributed.

Well! Now you know how to change the name "VKontakte." In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. Much depends on which of the moderators will get your application for changing the name. Good luck!