Many summer residents, having collected a rich harvest from their ownsite, ask the question: "How can you recycle the pumpkin?" After all, keep it many do not have the opportunity, because the fruits take up a lot of space. Yes, and the conditions are necessary, providing the necessary temperature and humidity. How can you solve this problem most successfully? Make the pumpkin juice. The recipe for this drink is presented in the article in three versions. The first involves storing the drink in the refrigerator and eating for several days. Following the second and third method, you can get a useful canned product that will preserve the vitamins, so necessary in the winter.

juice pumpkin recipe

Pumpkin juice: recipe fresh drink

Nothing to wait for the winter to eat deliciousdrink. You can cook it in summer, while keeping a short time in the refrigerator. How to cook pumpkin juice for a refreshing drink? Rub the flesh on a fine grater and fill with water. In the resulting mixture, pour the sugars to taste and squeeze out the lemon juice. All ingredients are taken "by eye". Then put the mixture on medium heat and gradually, often stirring, bring to a boil. After cooling, a thick juice-puree whip with a mixer or blender. The resulting fruit cocktail is stored in a cool place for several days. In the composition of the main component for obtaining a new taste, you can add any berries and fruits: apple, pear, strawberry, black currant, apricot.

how to cook pumpkin juice

We prepare the pumpkin juice: the recipe is the first - the classic one

Of course, I want to save in cannedproduct as much as possible vitamins. And for this, it is best to use a "gentle" method, which provides for minimum heat treatment time. How is it better to prepare pumpkin juice for the winter? The recipe provides for the sterilization of jars in boiling water. Cut the fresh slices of fruit through the juicer, strain and pour over the jars obtained juice. Then, having covered the lids, install them in a wide pan, the bottom of which is covered with a cloth. Pour in the water tank so much that the level was "on the shoulders." After a slow boiling, you need to sterilize the juice at the rate of: 0.5 liter capacity - half an hour, 0.7 liters - forty minutes. Then gently remove the jars and roll them up. To increase the reliability of further storage, turn the jars and wrap them until completely cooled.

pumpkin juice for winter recipe

Preparing the pumpkin juice: the second recipe - with carrots


- a kilogram of fresh, cleaned pumpkin;

- a kilogram of sweet carrots;

- a pound of granulated sugar;

- three lemons;

- three liters of water.


Pumpkin on a very fine grater.Carrots clean and wash well. After letting it dry, also grate. Mix the two masses with sugar in an aluminum saucepan. From the lemons, cut into pieces, squeeze out the juice. Pour it into a container with water. Put the pan on the stove for medium heat. After boiling, note the time - twenty minutes. Pour the juice over hot sterile jars, roll them up and wrap them up, turning them upside down. Adjust the sugar and lemon content at your own discretion. Delicious and healthy drink is ready!