Italian cuisine is created to surprise anddelight, and a variety of pasta, called pasta, simply amaze by the variety. Pasta with seafood will please every lover of light and delicious food. These components are indispensable for people who like to eat deliciously and at the same time follow their figure. The seafood is perfectly absorbed in our body, they have significantly fewer calories than meat. They contain a significant amount of vitamins and other, useful and necessary, the body's substances. It will take a long time to list all the advantages of seafood. No wonder many people have long used squid, mussels, shrimp and seaweed in their kitchen. The secret of this food is known for more than one century.

One of the most common Italian dishes -it is pasta with seafood. Possessing an unsurpassed taste, this dish is loved not only on the Apennine peninsula. If you are not used to spending a lot of time in the kitchen, but like to eat deliciously, then pasta with seafood is just what you need. Preparation will take no more than half an hour. There are many recipes, we will consider the 2 most simple and popular ways.

Pasta with seafood. Ingredients:

  1. Italian pasta 250 g.
  2. Cocktail of seafood 250 g.
  3. Cherry tomatoes 4-5 pcs.
  4. Garlic 3 cloves.
  5. Green chili pepper.
  6. Onions 1 pc.
  7. Olive oil 30 ml.
  8. Parmesan cheese.

To begin with, chop the onions, garlic and tomatoes. In olive oil fry the first, then add the tomatoes. If you use frozen seafood, they must be boiled, then pour with lemon juice. Pour out to the sauce and mix thoroughly. Fry for no more than 2-3 minutes. Bring to a boil and can be removed from the stove, the sauce is ready.

Now we will do the paste. Slightly add water and carefully read on the package how much this paste is cooked. It is desirable to add 2-3 drops of olive oil, so that the pasta in the future does not stick together. When draining the water, pour the half circles separately if you need to dilute the sauce. It remains to work for small! Boiled pasta is added to the sauce with seafood and leave for a while on the stove. Sprinkle with Mediterranean spices, grated Parmesan cheese, and Italian pasta with seafood is ready. You can decorate with wedges a cherry tomato and a leaf of basil. The dish is very simple in cooking and most importantly, does not take much time. Bon Appetit!

Pasta with seafood with cream. Ingredients:

  1. Salt 1 tsp
  2. Cocktail of seafood 250 g.
  3. Cream 300 ml.
  4. Cognac 20 ml.
  5. Olive oil 20 ml.
  6. Garlic 2 cloves.
  7. Italian pasta 250 g.
  8. Tomato puree 200 g.

First of all, put on the stove to warm upwater. Cook macaroni need exactly as many minutes as it is written on the manufacturer's packaging. Let's make the sauce while the pasta is brewed. With seafood, you do not have to fuss around for a long time. In the cocktail you bought, they are ready for use. We shall cut small pieces of garlic and fry it in a frying pan for no more than 2 minutes. Add a cocktail of seafood, pre-draining the liquid from the package, hold on for another 1 min. Pour cognac and gently stir. Then take the tomato puree or finely chopped tomatoes. It is best to use small cherry, they will give the necessary flavor, and in the end they can decorate the dish. We cook for a few minutes until the liquid is boiled. After that, add cream, preferably 33% fat, and bring to a boil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spread the previously prepared pasta in a frying pan to the sauce and mix thoroughly. Decorate with fresh greens of Mediterranean countries, and pasta with seafood and cream is ready! To the table to serve immediately, so that the pasta did not have time to cool down. You can sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Enjoy your meal!