It is difficult to find such similar people,possessed with completely incompatible characters, like Cancer and Gemini. These two throughout the whole life together are capable of pestering each other with various nonsense, balancing on the verge of mutual adoration and complete collapse. Male cancer, female Gemini have very changeable characters, if the first mood changes in accordance with the lunar phases, then tune in to the second wave is very difficult, because the changes occur more than once a day.

cancer man female twins
Such a pair can quarrel daily, swear ontrifles, and then swear in love to the grave. This may not end forever, but if both of them try hard, put all the emotions into a quarrel, then this will not save the marriage. Man-Cancer, the Gemini woman has completely different ideas about life, they do not agree on settling a family nest, spending leisure time, communicating with family and friends. These people have completely different approaches to earning and investing money, so the waste of common funds by one of the partners can lead to a grand scandal.

Despite all this, Cancer is a man,The Gemini woman likes to dream, to leave at least briefly in a fictional world where everything is well and calm. The air dreams about the future, this element is pragmatic, therefore its representative does not forget to worry about material prosperity, to solve household problems. Water prefers to go into the past, think about how it could be, so the representative of the elements often confuses the fictional with the real, hovers in the clouds and wants to get away from everyday worries.

woman twins man cancer
A Gemini woman, a male cancer suffer frominconstancy, uncertainty in their abilities. The air is always full of ideas, and although the goals seem fantastic, he goes to them in all pairs, but only until new desires have appeared. Therefore, Twins very often throw everything halfway, they need a chosen one who would support in time, prompted, became a reliable support and support, but Cancer can not be. The union will not be uninteresting and monotonous, but excessive impulsiveness, activity of a woman and passivity of a man can destroy a marriage.

Cancer-man, female-Gemini can becomean excellent pair, if they reconsider their values ​​and attitude to the second half. Air too often arranges verbal battles, likes to joke, but sarcastically, sometimes admits a lot of satirical remarks, and after all, the impressionable Water is only a careless smile to tear the soul with doubts and sufferings. Therefore, a woman should try to injure a man as little as possible with tiny phrases, especially if he is irritated and angry.

marriage man cancer woman twins
Cancer-male, female-Gemini should encourage andto help each other. If one is sad, then the other should try to cheer up, and not continue to cut, driving into even greater depression. The couple need to learn to get rid of their own ambitions, step over the insults, to understand the feelings of the second half. The union will be ideal if each of this pair learns to put on the first plan the needs and desires of the partner. It is difficult to adjust to one wave, but it is possible. Feeling the warmth, care and support of each other, these two will form a very harmonious tandem.