The final stage of the construction of the house isgiving it an aesthetic appearance. For this, brick lining is often used. Also in the decoration need old buildings, the walls of which are made of unattractive and cheap material. It is necessary to take into account, however, that in order to give the structure a satisfactory appearance and to maintain the necessary operational qualities of the walls, brick lining must be performed at a high professional level.

The process of laying is best entrusted to an experienced mason,because it is difficult to achieve the desired result independently, without the appropriate education and experience. Facing with a brick involves wiring ventilation and insulation of the building.

To ensure that inside the brickwork is notthere was a "greenhouse effect", in the walls leave the ventilation holes, which increases the life of the entire building. To do this, in the lower and upper parts are left purges, which provide the necessary ventilation.

Facing with brick. Process technology

1. Calculation of the required amount of material. This must be done with the utmost precision, because if there is a shortage of bricks it will be difficult to find an identical shade from another batch. To the result obtained, another 10% should be added in case of breakage of a certain amount during masonry.

2. Test masonry. It is made with an area of ​​1 m2 to control the texture of the mortar and determine the way the joints are filled.

3. Before the end of the cladding process, it is necessary to use the same way of laying the brick, also do not change the solution.

4. Special attention should be paid to the preparation of the solution, experiments here can only harm the process, it is better to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturer. Using all kinds of frost-resistant additives will only harm the quality of the product, it is better to stop the clutch at a temperature below 0 degrees.

5. In order to achieve a uniform color scheme of the walls, it is better to simultaneously produce brickwork from several pallets.

6. Before laying, the brick should be placed for a short time in water, which will increase the drying time of the solution. If you use a dry product, it absorbs water from the solution instantly, as a result of which it crumbles, while the quality of the masonry deteriorates.

7. Do not be lazy and ignore the frequent verification of the verticality of the seams facing the plumb line.

8. Small breaks during the work will allow you to evaluate the result from the side, which will help to detect and correct defects in time.

Clinker brick cladding

In modern construction, more attentionis given to improving the materials used. In connection with this, a method of decorating buildings, such as facing with clinker bricks, was often used.

The use of clinker as a buildingfacing material is due to the high quality of the product itself. The clinker has a high water absorption, low thermal conductivity, which, along with the frost resistance of the material, ensures the preservation of a large amount of heat inside the room.

Excellent technological characteristics of clinkermake this material particularly popular in the conduct of such a construction process, as facing the brick walls of a new or dilapidated building. To date, this product is produced not only abroad, domestic manufacturers also learned how to produce a material of excellent quality and many varieties.

Widely used in the facing of walls is a single brick, well-established forms such as double, one-and-a-half and non-standard clinker.

There is also a classification of clinkerbrick by brand, based on the strength of the material. The brick mark corresponds to a certain number, for example, 50, 100, 200. The pattern is that the higher the number, the stronger and better the brick.

The great popularity of clinker is explained by the widecolor spectrum of its production, which is important in such a process as decorating and facing brick buildings. Several years ago, only two color solutions were provided - red and white. The modern clinker can have pink and yellow, bard and cream shades. If there are a lot of brick bricks, this increases the number of possible versions of the cladding.