Making a large bouquet of roses or getting it ina birthday present (which, of course, is much more pleasant), it is worth thinking about what needs to be done so that it stays longer. After all, such beauty, firstly, it costs a lot of money, and secondly, it's a pity after all, if it fades on the second or third day. Therefore, there are several rules for making bouquets.

How long to save roses

Physiology of flowers

It turns out that not all kinds of roses are among themselvescombined! Therefore, in the matter of how to save roses longer, you need to understand the varieties. Exchange products of one kind can adversely affect the health of another. As for compatibility with other flowers, roses are very capricious in this respect. To them in the bouquet can be added only lilies, geraniums, ornamental foliage. In no case can not combine with them too sharply smelling flowers - violets or sweet peas, lilies of the valley or magnolias.

Also, pay attention to the time of day, in which you give roses. They say that in the daytime dark roses are better tolerated, while the light of chandeliers and lamps are well received by light flowers.

We select the vase

And here too there are nuances. For example, if the bouquet is low, but lush, it needs a suitable wide vase. It is better to untie the ribbons and allow the flowers to breathe, to blossom. High stems need a thin and long vase.

Bouquet of roses
Thinking about how to keep roses longer,pay attention to the composition of flowers in one vase: it is not necessary to buy all blossom buds, it is much better if half is closed, then every day the bouquet will self-renew. Pay attention to the tone of the vase - to this bouquet it is better to choose one-color (from ceramics or porcelain).

How long to keep the roses in the vase?

Here are the basic rules concerning beautiful royal colors:

  • A fresh bouquet of roses has just been presentedcut about 1/3 (if you want to keep the stems long, then at least 1/4), clear of thorns and lower leaves. Do a slice oblique so that there are no air jams in the green "vessels".
    Large bouquet of roses
  • You can go the easy way and usepreservatives sold in flower stalls. And you can cook them yourself: for example, how to preserve a bouquet of roses longer, helps sugar and salt (2-3 tsp for a large amount of water).
  • In addition to crystalline powders, roses are good for taking acidic liquid: add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice. A tablet of "Aspirin", dissolved in 1 liter of water, is also suitable.
  • Interesting: In a silver vessel in ancient times kept the flowers, because they stood three times longer. So, we lower to the bottom of the vase a silver spoon or a ring, after which we admire the blossoming buds for a long time.

What kind of water to choose for a bouquet? Of course, given the quality of water from our pipelines, it is better to prepare a fluid in advance. It should be cool, but not cold! Change it should be daily, not too lazy to wash the stems under the tap. Also it is necessary to spray leaves and buds from the spray gun.

By the way, thawed snow or rain water is the best drink for these plants. If there is an opportunity to keep flowers in it, do not delay, this is the best way of how to save roses longer.