All parents faced a problem when a child does not sleep at night. In some children this happens occasionally - from time to time, in others - systematically for a long time.

Do not worry ahead of time. Observe what mood the child has during waking hours, whether he has a good appetite. If all this is normal, then you have nothing to worry about. Relations with sleep in all children are individual, and you do not need to compare your child with the children of your friends or neighbors. If, with a normal appetite, a good gain in weight and no worries during the day, the baby sleeps less at night than his peers, which means that it is exactly how much sleep his body requires.

In the case when an infant does not sleep at night,but does it most of the day time - also do not get upset, it will eventually pass. Babies tend to confuse the time of day. So little babies in general it's all the same, day now or night. Another thing is that you want to sleep at night with your mother, but you have to rock your baby. In other words, his regime does not coincide with the regime of adults. In this case, you can advise parents to use every day to relax in order to be in a good mood and well-being.

Most likely, the child will become worse sleep, whenthe teeth will start to be cut, the pain in the tummy will be disturbed, because of the discomfort from the wet diapers, if he was hungry or wanted to drink or just requires some attention.

If in the middle of the night the child woke up and began to cry,Do not turn on the light, do not make a noise and do not run to it at once. If a minute or two later the crying does not stop, take the baby in your arms, shake it, caress it. All this must be done quietly, without sudden movements and in the dark.

With colic, gently massage your tummyhour hand, and if the child does not resist, you can put him to sleep on his tummy. Even today, there is no remedy that completely relieves the baby from intestinal colic (as well as from the soreness of the gums with the appearance of the first teeth). Therefore, give the baby herbal tea, which the doctor will recommend, just put it on your hands, pressing your tummy to yourself, massage.

If the reason for refusing sleep is thirst or desireeat and drink the child. Young children are mostly clean, so do not let them have to lie on wet diapers, change diapers more often.

Measure the temperature in the room where the baby is sleeping. It should not exceed 20 degrees and be clean. Reduce to a minimum the number of carpets and large soft toys, so as not to accumulate dust.

Let the baby get used to sleeping in his crib from birth. If from an infant's age the child does not sleep separately at night, but fits with his parents, then it will be difficult to wean him.

Finding out why the child does not sleep at night, you can notDo not talk about more serious causes of sleep disorders. Some children have such problems - since birth, many of them are a consequence of stress, and sometimes it is almost impossible to identify the cause. It is a strong sleep is the most important component of health. With systematic sleep disorders can not be tolerated, because if you do not pay attention to them, the problems will only worsen. Moreover, a constant lack of sleep can cause some diseases: dysfunction of the immune system, disruption of the normal functioning of the central nervous system, and, as a consequence, neuroses. Sleep disorders do not appear on their own, without a reason. Problems with sleep can be pursued from birth, if the fault is all - the health of the baby, and appear almost suddenly - most likely, the reason for changing the regime or lifestyle of the child. Consult a doctor to exclude treatment requiring medical treatment.

Ventilate the child's room, going for a walk, you can leave a draft at home to fill it with fresh air. Humidity in the room where children sleep, should be in the range of 50-70%