Shepherd's Sheepdog is a breed of French dogs. Representatives of this species can become excellent companions, guards and shepherds, however Picardie dogs do not suit every owner. Beginners-breeders should stop their choice on other breeds, since inexperienced owners are unlikely to be able to cope with the nature of this animal.

History of the breed

Shepherd's sheepdog is a descendant of shepherd dogs,that they came with the Celtic tribes to the territory of modern Europe in the first millennium BC. In France, this breed appeared in the ninth century and throughout many centuries accompanied the shepherds in pastures.

Picard Sheepdog

In the nineteenth century, Berger de Picardi bred French breeders, but during the First World War the breed was virtually destroyed.

The breed was restored by the end of the fortiestwentieth century. The Picardian sheepdog was recognized as a breed in 1923, and its FSI standards were approved in 1964. Despite the efforts of breeders, representatives of this species are quite small, but in 2013 FSI still allocated Picardians to a separate breed. Now in the territory of modern France there are about 3500 individuals.

Shepherd's Sheepdog: a description of the breed

The weight of dogs is from twenty-three to thirty-five kilograms. Height (height at the withers) in males is from sixty to sixty five centimeters, and in bitches from fifty-five to sixty centimeters.

shepherd dog of the breed

The colors of the Picardians are varied: pale-gray and gray-blue, reddish-gray and gray-black.

Due to long legs, these dogs are considered the mosthigh among sheep dogs. And despite the characteristics of the wool (stiff, slightly disheveled and slightly untidy), the Picardians look elegant and smart. Shepherd's Sheepdog has a well-developed musculature and strong elongated back. The head of these dogs should be large and fit the size of the dog. The forehead is flat and has a small groove separating the frontal arcs. Muzzle powerful enough, nose black, lips tightly compressed and dry, straight back of nose. A small beard and mustache.

The ears of this breed are enoughLong, straight and slightly deployed forward. Eyes are dark brown, medium in size. Above the eyes hang thick eyebrows, which, despite their "bulk", poorly protect the eyeball, because they do not cover the eye.

The neck is long, muscular, strong andmobile. The special structure of the jaws provided these sheepdogs with an unusual funny "smile." Tails of Picardians are covered with wool of the same length as the entire body of the animal. In a dog at rest, the tail hangs straight, forming a slight bend at the end. During movement, the tail of the animal is raised, but behind the back does not come out.

Wool in the representatives of this breed of sheep-dogsshould have large white patches (their presence indicates inconsistencies in standards and is considered a defect), but small light spots on the chest and tips of the paws are allowed. The length of the coat is no more than four centimeters on the muzzle, 5-6 centimeters on the body.

Picardie Sheepdog: character

These animals are kept in the manifestation of emotions, however they suffer very much from long loneliness and require constant "communication" with the owner, the loyalty of dogs is boundless.

Picardie Shepherd Dog

These sheep dogs are extremely attentive, energetic,hardworking and vigilant, persistent and sometimes too stubborn. However, they get on well with children and other pets. They always try to be closer to the family and the owner, patiently and quietly waiting for the time of walking and playing.

Training and mission of the breed

For correct education, dogs need earlytraining and socialization. And in order for the Picardian shepherd not to be capricious and not bored during the training, it is necessary to carry out a variety of short-term training programs in accordance with the program and style. Raising the Picardian, you should not use rudeness. The owner of such a dog needs to be patient and train his pet firmly, consistently and fairly.

Picardie Shepherd Dog (photo of the breed is presented inarticle) is a magnificent and skillful shepherd. In addition, these dogs are used for protective guard duty. Picardians are excellent guards for livestock, family members and territory.

Picardy Shepherd Dog Photo
Remarkably they cope with the role of companions, despite their lack of security.

Care, maintenance and grooming

Shepherd's Sheepdog, whose care is simple enough, should not be kept in an apartment. Such dogs are more suitable spacious aviaries next to the country house.

Picardy Sheepdog

The wool of the Picardians is warm, which allows them not toFreeze outside in all weathers. Care of the coat is simple: it is enough to comb the animal once a month. Often to bathe Picardians is not recommended, as this can disrupt the protective barrier of wool. You can use dry shampoos.

In nutrition these dogs are not whimsical. To properly develop and maintain the health of the Picardie sheepdog, considerable physical and mental stress is required. They like long walks, running alongside bicycles and swimming.


Picardie Shepherd Dogs live thirteen-fifteenyears. The most common diseases in this dog breed are hip dysplasia and infectious eye damage. In puppies of the first year of life, eye infections are caused by drafts or dirt, at an older age these diseases do not appear. Among the hereditary diseases of the Picardie sheep dog there are retinal atrophies.