For some reason, there was an incorrect situation whenpills for cough are considered an innocuous medication, which can be taken uncontrollably and literally handfuls. However, such drugs with any active substance belong to the stimulants of motor functions of the respiratory tract, and Ambroxol, tablets, whose use instructions should be observed no less carefully than for other medicines, is no exception.

Because cough with difficulty expectorationviscous sputum refers to debilitating manifestations of cold or chronic illnesses, it is necessary to remove symptoms with the help of expectorants. "Ambroxol" is successfully used for bronchitis of various origin, with difficulties with sputum discharge in case of pneumonia or bronchial asthma. Among the indications for use is also bronchoectatic disease and respiratory distress syndromes in newborns. Of course, Ambroxol tablets refer to the drug form of the drug given to older children, but the very fact that it is possible to use the active substance of a drug to treat newborns indicates a high efficacy of the drug.

The mechanism of action of the drug Ambroxolis the simultaneous decrease in the viscosity of sputum and stimulation of motor activity of the transport cilia of the epithelium. Thus, the medicine stimulates a faster and easier expectoration of sputum, as a result, the airway is released, breathing is facilitated. The principle of action on the still unborn child is very interesting - "Ambroxol" tablets, the instruction for their use does not exclude the reception of pregnant women, they are prescribed for colds accompanied by a cough with a difficult sputum discharge. With the likelihood of premature delivery, the use of Ambroxol by the mother significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a hyaline membrane or distress syndrome in a premature baby.

However, even for such a medicine, there arerestrictions on use and contraindications. Used in relation to the drug "Ambroxol" (tablets), the instruction does not differ from the recommendations for taking this drug in other dosage forms. It is highly desirable not to use "Ambroxol" in the first trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is contraindicated in peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as hypersensitivity to the constituents of the drug.

It is important to comply with the dosage and frequency of applicationfunds intended for stimulation of the respiratory tract, is not an exception and Ambroxol, tablets, instructions for the application of which must be observed in accuracy. The drug is given to adults and teenagers one tablet three times a day after eating. If the treatment is delayed, the dosage of Ambroxol is reduced to two times a day. It is important to remember that if you miss a medication by accident, you do not need to take a double dose - just adjust the treatment schedule, using knowledge about the time of onset of action and the duration of the drug. Ambroxol hydrochloride, the active substance of this drug, starts to work after half an hour after taking, and lasts for ten to twelve hours, depending on the characteristics of the body. If there is an overdose of the drug Ambroxol (tablets), the instruction for use insists on contacting a doctor. Signs of an overdose: weakness, headache, eating disorders, from nausea to vomiting.

Be sure to consider the features of interactiondrugs. "Ambroxol" strengthens the action of antibiotics, categorically it is not recommended to take medications with an mutually exclusive direction of action. For example, with antitussive drugs that suppress the excretion of phlegm.