Food poisoning has become a frequent phenomenonmodern society. Usually it occurs during harvesting - fresh berries and mushrooms, as well as during holidays. There is food poisoning for various reasons, mainly due to the use of spoiled foods. Toxins and microbes that enter the body are the causative agents of this disease. Today, in view of the opening of numerous food stores, each owner wants to have more and more customers, luring them with all sorts of discounts, promotions and "red price tags". But often, products with such shares may be substandard. Also, many sellers do not observe the terms and conditions of storage, sanitary and hygienic requirements and norms.

All this leads to the fact that a personfood poisoning occurs. Contaminated water can also become a source of this infection. Many experts recommend not to buy ready-made stuffings and chicken cutlets in stores, since pathogenic bacteria can get into them during processing.

Staphylococcus is the most common toxin,which enters the body with spoiled or substandard products. Food stored at room temperature can easily pick up this bacterium. The products most susceptible to getting staphylococcus are smoked products, dairy products, pates and vinaigrettes.

To determine whether food poisoning is or not, you need to look at the symptoms. Symptoms of infection are as follows:

bloating and cramping pain;

- diarrhea and vomiting;

- headache, chills, aching muscles and fever;

- Low blood pressure;

- fainting or palpitations.

With such symptoms, you should immediately consultto the doctor. The patient will be treated, and if necessary - gastric lavage. Thus, if food poisoning has occurred, the symptoms will appear within 12 hours.

It is not necessary to be treated independently, you can, of course, take a packet of Smecta or activated carbon, but you still need to contact a specialist. Treatment of food poisoning is carried out according to the scheme:

- washing the stomach with a solution of manganese, baking soda or boiled water;

- plentiful drink with the addition of baking soda or table salt;

- Diet;

- use of medicines as prescribed by the doctor;

- if necessary, hospitalization.

It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.In the event that food poisoning occurs in young children and pregnant women, if muscle weakness and respiratory failure develops, severe diarrhea with water or an impurity of blood, elevated temperature or dehydration of the body is formed.

To avoid such cases, you must carefully choose food. The following rules should be observed:

- Do not eat mushrooms that are little known, wormy, damaged and old;

- Do not eat bitter almonds, as well as seeds of apricots, peaches and plums, they contain amygdalin, which turns into hygiene acid in the human stomach;

- do not buy canned food, in which crumpled, swollen lids or no labels;

- Look closely at the expiry dates and storage conditions, if they are met, and the temperature regime corresponds, then even then you can purchase the products.

When food poisoning occurs, it is worthto clarify the reason, then you can demand from the seller a financial penalty. Always it is good to clean and boil vegetables, eat only proven berries, collect mushrooms, and then treat them very carefully. Do not give small children and pregnant women to give mushrooms, they are the most important source of food poisoning. You need to take good care of your health.