Many of us even in my childhood asked my mother to buyhoop. Having received the coveted gift, children cheerfully and easily twisted around the waist plastic hoops. At the present time children have all the same mobile games, still boys and girls are begging their parents for a hoop ...

Can a hoop be useful to adults, say,for weight loss? Oh sure. Hula-hoop in combination with sports and properly organized meals can really help in a fierce fight against extra pounds. The slimming handkerchief, or hula-hoop, is especially useful for the waist and very well helps to clean the stomach.

There are several varieties of hula-hoops. Collapsible hoops are good in that it is possible to easily increase or decrease the number of segments, thereby changing the diameter of the hoop. In hollow hula-hoops you can pour sand, changing their weight in a fairly wide range. Massaging hula-hoops, having protrusions and balls, proved to be very effective. From them, at first, bruises may appear from unaccustomed, but they soon pass. Similarly, one must get used to iron hula-hupam, but this happens soon enough.

Flexible hoops are quite widely used, withwhich usually perform perform stretching exercises or use them as an expander. Classes with a gymnastic hoop benefit the whole body.

Wrap for weight loss reduces the likelihoodmanifestations of cellulite and neutralizes the already appeared, as with the torsion of hula-hoop improves the circulation of lymph, which contributes to intensive burning of fats, improving the condition of the skin. Classes with a hoop activate blood circulation, which affects the condition of the skin, increasing digestion and improving metabolism. Also increases the mobility of the joints, strengthens the muscles, which makes the figure slimmer and more beautiful.

Weight loss with the help of a hoop is a long process,the main thing is that the lessons should be regular, not occasional. It is good to create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, including good music. Initially, the duration of the lesson with the hoop is 5 minutes and gradually brought to half an hour, and every day to the time of training you need to add one minute. You can include exercises with a hoop and in a normal workout. If time is very short, make at least a few rotations.

If you just decided to purchase a hoop orabsolutely do not know him, then it's better to buy light at first. Sports, massage or weighted hoop for weight loss can not be used in critical days, it is undesirable to use them and the elderly. Pregnant or people with diseases of the back and abdominal organs, before starting classes with hula-hoop, should consult with a doctor. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to keep the press and the lumbar muscles in tension throughout the entire workout, and put your feet shoulder width or slightly wider.

Weight loss with a hoop is much easier and more effective,than losing weight through a grueling diet. Not every person can sustain a diet, that is, there is always a danger to break. The body after the diet seeks to restore the spent reserves, which causes an increased appetite, as a result of which the weight is not only restored, but also increases.

When losing weight with a diet can notcorrect the figure in problem areas, like using a hoop for weight loss. In addition, during the torsion of the hoop the body comes into tone, many functions of self-regulation return, muscles are strengthened, the work of the intestine is normalized, that is, the whole organism is getting better, resulting in fixed results of weight loss that comes naturally through the laws of nature.

Getting rid of excess kilograms is a long and responsible process. A few exercises with a hoop will bring a little joy and pleasure to this difficult process.