According to statistics, one in five suffering from ischemic heart disease(ischemic heart disease), a person does not even suspect that he had a heart attack. As a rule, he knows this by accident. The signs of a microinfarction, transferred by a person, can be detected in a cardiogram.

However, it should be noted that once testedstenocardia, a person is unlikely to confuse it with anything else. This malaise is characterized by a mismatch of incoming blood relative to the required volume to ensure normal cardiac work. When an attack occurs characteristic severe pain behind the sternum, in some cases, pain gives to the nape of the neck, shoulder, solar plexus. For pain that lasts more than twenty minutes, it is urgent to call an ambulance, because in these cases, the heart muscle is damaged.

Nitroglycerin is usually used to relieve pain. After taking the pill should take a static position (lie down or sit down) and try to move as little as possible. In the absence of effect, even from repeated taking of the medication should not be delayed with the call of an ambulance.

In some cases, signs of a microinfarctionman does not feel. Absence of pain, in particular, can be associated with a low pain threshold on the background of alcohol dependence, diabetes, nervous disorders and other things.

Microinfarction may be similar to seizuresbronchitis or asthma. After the disappearance of pain, many people forget about them. In many cases, they do not even suspect that these were signs of a microinfarction. After the attacks, as a rule, there is an increase in temperature, in combination with the manifestation of dyspnea, a slight cold sensation is created.

The signs of the microinfarction can be masked as signs of poisoning. Thus, the defeat of the artery in the area near the diaphragm can provoke pain in the area of ​​the stomach.

After attacks, in a number of cases, there is nodeterioration of health. Despite the defeat in the heart muscle, the body is able to cope with the removal of a blood clot in the coronary artery. In cases of short delay in blood flow (less than an hour), slight damage to the heart muscle is observed.

The risk of seizures is especially great in obese people with diabetes, arterial hypertension. In addition, smokers are also exposed to it.

In people who have had a microinfarction, the consequencescan be expressed in the occurrence of arrhythmias. And they, in turn, can provoke a sudden death. The most severe consequences appear after attacks caused by the pathology of arterial vessels of small caliber that feed the heart muscle. As practice shows, in the absence of treatment, these processes progress very quickly.

Pretty effective and most accessible methoddiagnosis of an attack is an express test. If you find a microinfarction, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you should take nitroglycerin.

In many cases, the development of seizures occurs against a background of relatively normal well-being and does not show any obvious signals.

For each patient who has been identifiedmicroinfarction, treatment is strictly individual. Therapy is prescribed only by the attending physician. To apply independent treatment is inexpedient and extremely inefficient, due to the presence of various complications (heart failure, rhythm disturbance, cardiosclerosis and others).

In general, the therapy is carried out by the coronale analysts,beta-blockers (in the absence of complications), increasing the energy of the heart means. Mandatory treatment includes trace elements, including magnesium and potassium.