Heat is often found in many people. But it is worth noting that you do not always have to immediately rush to lower your temperature. Of course, if it rises to the critical point, then it should be immediately knocked down. And if the temperature is raised, but not much, then do not worry and think: "how to reset the temperature?".

Elevated temperature is an indication that your immunity with something is fighting in the body. And this should please you, because the body has the strength to fight.

What are the causes of the temperature increase?

There are a lot of similar reasons. The most common ones are:

• allergic reaction;

• a bacterial or viral infection is present in the body and develops;

• inflammation in various tissues and joints;

• disruption of hormones;

• heart attack;

• any injury;

• severe fractures or cracks in the bones;

• bleeding.

How to reduce the temperature in an adult.

For a start, before you call the doctors, it is advisable to try to bring down the temperature yourself with the help of improvised means.

At high temperatures it is desirable to drink morefluids, because the body is dehydrated. The lost amount of liquid must be compensated, since during dehydration the temperature rises even higher. Therefore, one of the answers to the question "How quickly to lower the temperature?", There will be a plentiful drink.

What it is desirable to drink:

• juices;

• tea;

• mineral water;

• compotes and decoctions.

Tea you can drink it with honey, raspberries, lemon orsame currant. Such tea is especially effective not only in restoring the liquid level, but also in dealing with the cause that caused the temperature (infection, cold).

How to lower the temperature in an adult, ifhome folk remedies do not help? Here are the additional steps. The patient will need to be undressed. Then rub it with vodka or alcohol, as a last resort, cologne will do. After that, do not dress. As a result of evaporation of alcohol from the surface of the body, your temperature will begin to drop. And what will be cool, it is not worth worrying about. This method is safe and effective enough.

There is another, but it is a little unpleasant, and littlewho agrees to carry it out. This method is an enema. The enema should be filled with a mixture of the powder of some antipyretic agent, diluted with a glass of water, preferably boiled. It should be noted that the effect will not take long to wait. Such a method is achieved if the patient does not lose temperature for a long time.

Drinking a variety of antipyretic drugs is necessary in those cases when the temperature is very high and does not drop off long enough.

How to reduce the temperature in an adult with medication.

Drinking everything is not worth it, because every drunk medicine has a harmful effect on the liver. As they say, one helps, and the other hurts.

But in each house in the medicine cabinet must be antipyretic drugs. Nowadays, there are many such drugs. The most famous are:

• Aspirin;

• paracetamol;

• ibuprofen.

It should be noted that this series of drugsworsens blood clotting (especially aspirin). That is, if you cut yourself, your wound will heal very long. It is also important to remember that aspirin as an acid has a detrimental effect on the intestines and the entire digestive tract. As a result of taking aspirin, irritation of the intestinal mucosa occurs.

How to reduce the temperature in an adult, if it does not subside?

If it so happens that the temperature is above 38degrees, does not go away for a long time and at the same time it is accompanied by various symptoms (cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc.), then you need to call an ambulance and get a checkup from the doctors. Perhaps you are sick with something serious.