More recently, biologicallyactive additive Fitomycil - for weight loss is one of the revolutionary means. Those who are looking for ways to lose weight, this supplement will be of invaluable help. This is not an ordinary laxative, as you might think at first. While the complex contains only natural substances, it not only stabilizes the activity of the intestines, but also reduces the feeling of hunger.

As part of dietary supplements, hydrophilic fibers and pectin. But the quality of the selected components makes this complex innovative. There are only two components: plantain seeds (rather, husks from them) and homemade plums (fruits). The first contains hydrophilic fibers. In the fruits of plum a lot of organic acids: lemon, apple, oxalic, salicylic (in a small amount), as well as pectins and tannins. This unique composition makes it possible to successfully use Fitomycil for weight loss.

For the way of life that leads the majorityof us, this complex can become irreplaceable, and not just for weight reduction. Unfortunately, modern people (especially city dwellers) move little, eat irregularly, fruits and vegetables are always in short supply, most prefer to eat something tasty (zhirnenkoe or sweet). Almost everyone in the diet lacks fiber, natural dietary fiber, as a result of worse intestinal peristalsis. And if we take into account how much we eat meat ...

After all, the human body is able to normallyProcess 1 gram of meat per kilogram of its weight. And that, not every day. And all the rest we carry in ourselves for a few days. Just imagine what the meat will turn into if left for a few days at a temperature of 36 degrees! And all this is absorbed into the blood. With so many toxins the body can cope only for a while, after some time beginning to take revenge on various diseases, including oncological diseases. If we can not abandon the habitual and comfortable way of life, we must at least help the body cope with the problems by taking Fitomycil.

Is it possible to replace this complex with some otherremedy or dietary supplements? No, with such a composition there is only one drug - Fitomycil, has not yet been invented. This additive stimulates the motor-evacuation function of the large intestine, favorably affects the bile and biliary excretory processes. As a result, constipation (and does not return) goes away, the functioning of all parts of the intestine improves and normalizes. Blood counts improve: cholesterol and glucose levels decrease.

A very important point: diet pills Fitomcil are not addictive!

In this dietary supplement is not just a lot of fiber, their twoof the form: soluble and insoluble. The first in the intestine increases its volume by a factor of 10 and forms a gel-like mass, which then easily leaves the body. Insoluble fibers, which here are 4 times more than in bran, stimulate the intestine to normal work.

It is possible to successfully apply Fitomycil forlosing weight, having previously got acquainted with several contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, intestinal obstruction or acute inflammatory processes in it or in the stomach.

Taking Fitomycil for weight loss, we must take into accountmethod of reception. Because the testimony of this dietary supplement is many, and the methods of application are different. In order to reduce weight, the powder or pill is taken 20-30 minutes before meals. The effectiveness of the complex will increase significantly if you drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Duration of use of Fitomcil is not limited, it is easy to go on a supporting dose of 1-2 sachets a day.