Walking in nature can provokeattack mites. And for humans, they are less dangerous than for animals. Most often, it affects the dogs due to their activity in moving through the grass and low shrubs, where parasites mainly gather in spring and autumn. If the dog is bitten by a tick, then the owner of the animal needs to be aware of the possible consequences and methods of treatment in order to save the animal from complete infection of the organism.

if the dog was bitten by a tick

Than the mite threatens?

The mites themselves are almost harmless. They feed on the blood of living creatures, digging a small head into the skin of the victim. After the hunger has been quenched, the parasite falls off without causing harm. If the dog is bitten by a tick, redness and a small swelling can form on this place, which gradually passes. However, this type of parasite often carries on itself extremely dangerous diseases. Dogs face pyroplasmosis - infection of the body with a possible fatal outcome.

Symptoms of bite

If the dog is bitten by a tick, then it can be seen. The parasite remains on the skin of the victim for a long time, but due to the large size it can not be found. At close examination of the animal, there will be a noticeable swelling with the mite sticking out from there. The dog can try to get rid of the parasite on its own: it rarely causes itching or pain.

dog bitten by tick treatment

How to get rid of a tick?

When a tick is found on the dog's body, it needsremove. To do this, take tweezers, grab the parasite by the body closer to the skin of the dog and pull it lightly counter-clockwise. The mite in this case must come out completely, together with the head. If part of it remains in the skin, it is better to consult a doctor, as this can lead to serious suppuration. In some cases, the head falls off itself. After removal of the parasite, the place of bite should be treated with an antiseptic and, just in case, show the dog to the vet - to exclude the possibility of infection.

The dog was bitten by a tick: the symptoms of infection

the dog bitten the tick symptoms

Even after releasing the dog from the tick earlycalm down. If the dog is bitten by a tick, and it is not possible to consult a doctor, then it is necessary to closely monitor the animal. When the parasite is a carrier of the disease, the symptoms of the infection of the dog appear only a few hours after the bite. At this time, the animal becomes sluggish, refuses to eat, sleeps a lot, its temperature rises. Eyes become red and dull, and swelling of the extremities may occur. A few days later, blood is formed in the urine, the dog begins to vomit bile. If you do not get help, the animal will die.

The dog was bitten by a tick: treatment

Self-medication is not worth it - it's emptywaste of time. Only a doctor is able to determine the disease and prescribe suitable drugs. And the treatment should be appointed by the veterinarian in the shortest possible time. The breeder will have to regularly monitor the condition of the animal to prevent its deterioration. The younger the dog, the easier it will bear the disease. Unfortunately, it is extremely rare to save old dogs.