The navel of the newborn should be treated untiluntil it finally heals. In no case should you interrupt this procedure, since it is very important for the health of the baby. If you leave the navel without attention, there may be various consequences, including the infection of blood. Since it is very easy to process a newborn's navel, the fears of young mothers that they can not cope with these troubles are groundless.

Correct treatment of umbilicus

The navel of the newborn is treated twice inday, procedures are performed in the morning and in the evening. You will need: green, hydrogen peroxide solution, pipette and cotton buds. Well, a couple of carefully washed hands. Dip the cotton swab in the peroxide, soak the crusts on the wound and carefully remove them. If it seems to you that with the help of a stick it turns out badly, or the child reacts sharply to manipulations, you can wet the wound with a pipette. When the entire crust is removed, the wound should be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in green. If there is no zelenki, an alcohol or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate will fit. Do not use iodine for this operation. When you are working on the surface of the navel, even if you have such an opportunity, you should not try to go deep into it with a wand, and the more you should not pick out anything by making an effort. By such actions you will achieve the exact opposite of the expected result, instead of accelerated healing you will get a significant slowdown in the speed of this process.

Crowns the navel of the newborn

Normal is considered if the navel is the first daysit does not bother you. To worry is only in those cases when around the wound there is redness, there is an unpleasant smell or the purulent discharge begins. If any of these abnormalities should immediately call a doctor. If there are no problems, then in a couple of weeks on the site of the wounded wound there is a wonderful umbilical.

Sometimes in the process of healing the stomach in the areaaround the umbilical cord may rise slightly. Do not be scared if visual signs of the inflammatory process are not observed. A good sign that the navel of the newborn has healed will be a check with the help of peroxide, if the liquid stops foaming, then everything is in order.

Care of the umbilical

Inexperienced moms may try to impose on the woundplaster, do not do this, since this remedy can interfere with the access of air. And if there is no normal ventilation, then be surprised by that fact. that the navel of a newborn baby will become wet, just silly. In order for this not to happen, you should choose clothes made from natural materials.

Diapers are best to choose special - for newborns, they have a cutout for the navel. They will not rub the wound, and a special top layer will cover the entire umbilical zone and protect against infection.

Diapers should be treated with an iron every time after washing, it is a simple and convenient way to kill the pathogenic microflora.

In the event that even after two weeksThe navel still does not heal, you should always call a doctor for advice. It happens that the healing takes place in the usual mode, but since each child is individual, the healing period can be shifted both in the large and in the smaller direction. After the examination, the doctor will tell you whether everything is in order and whether you need to change anything in the procedure list.

Despite the fears of young parents, the navel of the newborn normally tolerates bathing. But there are some simple rules that you should not forget.

It is better not to add potassium permanganate to the bath, it dries the skin very much. Water for bathing can, of course, be recruited from the tap, but it will be better if you take boiled water.

At the end of water procedures, dry the umbilicules and treat. This mandatory procedure after each bath is extremely important, with its help you reliably protect the child from infections.