In our time to boast of excellent female health, not every representative of the weaker sex can. Therefore, experts recommend visiting a gynecologist at least twice a year.

ecofemin candles

Quite often, diseases that develop in the sexualsphere, make themselves felt very late. Regular observation by a specialist will allow women to prevent serious illnesses that can adversely affect her reproductive system.

Today we will tell you about what the vaginal candles "Ecofemin" are. The instructions for use, analogues and indications of this preparation will also be described below.

Packing and composition

The drug "Ecofemin" (candles) contains in itself such an active substance as acidophilic lactobacilli. As for the auxiliary components, they include magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate.

The capsule shell of this preparation consists ofgelatin. On sale, it comes in an aluminum box (12 or 6 pieces each) with a plastic stopper and a dehumidifier. Applicators are also attached to the medication.


How do vaginal capsules "Ekofemin" work? Candles can deliver acidophilic lactobacilli in the vagina.

According to the instructions, these bacteria have antagonistic activity, which is directed at inhibiting the pathogenic microflora.

Antagonism is achieved throughproduction of hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, hydrolytic enzymes, lactocidin and acidophilus. This is due to the life activity of lactic acid bacteria.

ecofemin candles

It should be specially noted that the active substanceThe agent in question does not have a detrimental effect on the normal microflora. After penetration of bacteria in the vagina, they normalize the biocenosis and stabilize the acid and alkaline balance.

The drug "Ecofemin" (candles) can be used not only to prevent infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina, but also to treat bacterial vaginosis.

Indications for use of capsules

At what conditions can a gynecologist appoint a patient "Ecofemin"? Vaginal Candles are used for:

  • prevention of infectious complications after surgical intervention, as well as for preparation for diagnostic procedures and gynecological operations;
  • treatment and prevention of diseases that were caused by an imbalance of the vaginal microflora;
  • restoration of the vaginal microflora, which was disturbed by local or systemic antibiotic therapy;
  • prevention of infections during prenatal preparation and in the process of delivery.

Also, the medication is prescribed if the composition of the vaginal microflora is disturbed.

Contraindications to the use of capsules

Under what conditions can not use the medication "Ecofemin"? Candles, the price of which is listed below, should not be assigned when:

ekofemin candles price

  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • intolerance of drug substances.

Candles "Ekofemin": instructions for use

To appoint vaginal capsules "Ekofemin" should only the gynecologist, being based on the data of analyzes and a condition of the patient.

As a rule, the preparation in question is usedin the amount of one candle twice a day. The course of treatment with this remedy should last at least a week. If there is an urgent need, the specialist can prescribe a repeat therapy.

For the prevention of vaginal diseases, doctorsit is recommended to use one vaginal candle per day. It must be used before bedtime. Such procedures are required to be carried out for 3-6 days.

Mode of application

How should I use Ecofemin capsules? Candles for the treatment of diseases of the vagina or for preventive purposes are recommended to be administered before or after menstruation. Use the medication during menstruation is prohibited. Otherwise, the active substance of the preparation, mixed with blood, will lose its therapeutic properties.

ecofemin candles vaginal

If vaginal capsules are used without an applicator, they should be inserted into the vagina with the help of a finger (as deep as possible).

If there is an applicator, place the candle indevice, slightly pulling the piston. Further, its tip is injected deep into the vagina (without causing painful sensations). After that, the inner tube of the applicator is advanced upward, releasing the capsule.

After performing the treatment procedure, the device is removed and discarded (it can be reused, but for this purpose it is washed and dried at room temperature).

Adverse Reactions

Can there be side effects on the backgrounduse of vaginal capsules "Ecofemin"? Candles, analogues of which are indicated at the end of the article, rarely cause undesirable effects. However, specialists do not exclude the development of local irritation and itching of the external genitalia.

Drug Interactions

Experts argue that thethe drug can be combined with any medication. However, when using other vaginal suppositories, Ecofemin capsules should be administered two hours or after using other suppositories.

ecofemin candles analogues

Special Recommendations

What you need to know about women beforeto use the preparation "Ecofemin"? Candles, the price of which is quite high, can be used simultaneously with antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulating medications.

It is forbidden to use vaginal capsules with broken packaging, as well as candles that have the smell of rancid oil.

The cost of capsules and their analogues

You can buy vaginal candles "Ekofemin" in any pharmacy without a medical prescription. Their average cost is 380-450 rubles.

If it is impossible to use the mentionedit can be replaced by one of the following means: Acilact, Linex, Lactobacterin, Narine, Lactonorm, Lactovag, Lactonorm Plus, Acipol, Ginolact, Lactovit Forte "," Vagilak ".


What do patients say about such a drug as"Ecofemin"? Candles (instructions, the price of this medication were presented above) vaginal are very popular among the fairer sex, especially at the age of 20-35.

Most patients respond to this remedyexclusively on the positive side. Many of them report that from the very first days of treatment they have experienced considerable relief. They lost itching and discomfort, and overall well-being improved.

ecofemin candles

It should also be noted that thethe drug almost never causes side effects. If, after using vaginal suppositories, unwanted symptoms return with renewed vigor, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. This is due to the fact that such signs can cause serious pathologies in the female body.