Thrush is the most common diseaseamong women. And the question of how the delay of menstruation and thrush associated with, periodically worries each of us. In order not to torment yourself with unnecessary emotions, it is important to know the right answers to all the questions of interest. The best option in this case will be a visit to the doctor. If this is not feasible at the moment, you can do without reading the appropriate literature.

delay of menstruation and thrush

The causes of menstruation

The main reason for the delay in menstruation is pregnancy. However, there are a large number of cases where the probability of pregnancy in a woman is excluded, and menstruation does not begin.

In this case it is necessary to undergo examination anddetermine whether the hormones are normal, are there any organic changes in the genitals as a result of frequent stressful situations or excessive physical exertion.

Whether there can be a delay of monthly at a thrush -this is a very urgent issue. Since all the above reasons for delay strongly affect the functioning of the body and can cause the development of candidiasis, then, accordingly, the disease can indirectly affect the menstrual cycle.

What is thrush

Thrush - fungal disease, localizedin the sexual organs of a woman. Typical symptoms of the disease are burning, itching, reddening of the genital organs and the appearance of cheesy white precipitates. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor who can accurately answer if there can be a delay in menstruation for thrush in this particular case.

cause of delay of monthly test negative was thrush

The emergence of an enabling environment for developmentCandidiasis promotes the rapid growth and reproduction of fungal microorganisms. Violations of the menstrual cycle associated with the progression of thrush can also indicate the presence of sexual infections. If any doubtful symptoms appear, it is necessary to undergo a screening, it is better if both partners visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. This will avoid relapse.

Symptoms of thrush

Pathogen of yeast infection is a microorganism of the genusCandida - is normally found in the body of each person. However, the disease is activated only under certain circumstances. The most common cause may be:

  • Sexual infections;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • taking pharmacological drugs (birth control pills, antibiotics);
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes.

can there be a delay in menstruation with thrush

Delay in menstruation and thrush can also occur withthe onset of pregnancy, when the defenses of the body are weakened, and a favorable environment for the development of fungal microorganisms appears in the vagina. When searching for the cause of delay in menstruation, first of all it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

A woman's body is very sensitive to anyinternal changes. Therefore, when delaying menstruation, you need to pay special attention to your health and, if possible, undergo a complete examination in order to exclude dangerous diseases in time.

How are thrush and menstruation associated?

Medical forums can often be foundsimilar questions: "What could be the reason for the delay in menstruation? The test was negative, there was thrush, according to the doctor's prescription, she used vaginal suppositories. Could this be the reason for the delay, or is it necessary to undergo examination? "

Women's unrest associated with delaymenstruation, in some cases can provoke severe stress, which also affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. That is why to prevent unnecessary experiences you need to be well-informed in this matter.

delay of menstruation and thrush test negative

Thrush: is the cause of delayed menstruation or a sign of pregnancy?

Since candidiasis indicates a violation inwork of the body, it can cause a delay in menstruation. Most women stop treatment immediately after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, as a result of which the disease can not be cured and becomes chronic. All this can provoke periodic outbreaks of the disease and cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

On the question of whether the delay of the monthly andyeast infection (negative test, pregnancy excluded), you can get an unambiguous answer: the thrush itself does not directly affect the operation of the ovaries, so the reason for the delay is not the candidiasis, but the factor that caused its development.

Treating Thrush

Appoint the right treatment of thrush canonly a gynecologist. Often the developing disease, accompanied by a delay in menstruation, indicates pregnancy. Since it is in pregnant women that immunity sharply weakens, the microflora of the vagina is disrupted, and harmless microorganisms take an aggressive form.

That is why, even with the experience of treating thrush,Do not use any medication without a doctor's appointment. Only after the examination and the results of the tests can you accurately answer if thrush can cause a delay in menstruation.

thrush cause delay of menstruation

How to relieve unpleasant symptoms

To ease the condition before visiting a doctor,you can use proven and safe methods. The simplest is frequent washings with warm water, especially with the addition of baking soda or a Furacilina tablet. They provide an alkaline water environment, and as a result of this washing, the pH of the vagina is reduced.

For washing, you can also use a decoctionchamomile or sage. After the detection of symptoms and before the end of treatment, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, as they will provoke the development of the disease. And after treatment unprotected sexual intercourse can cause a relapse of the disease. Therefore, both partners should participate in the treatment of candidiasis.

Can thrush cause delay in menstruation?

Delay of menstruation and thrush require reasonableadjusting the diet. Exclude all the sharp, salty and sweet foods, yeast bread. During the period of treatment, you must follow a diet, preferring fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat food and consuming clean water.

Prevention of thrush

Prevention of candidiasis in women allowsprevent the development of a large number of sexual infections that can follow thrush, especially in the absence of proper treatment. Prevention of the disease includes many items, the main ones are as follows:

  • observance of personal hygiene;
  • reasonable use of perfume and cosmetics;
  • maintenance of body immunity;
  • exclusion of unprotected sex, especially with unverified partners;
  • wearing quality and natural linen;
  • lack of self-diagnosis and self-treatment;
  • timely detection of STDs, inflammation and organic changes in pelvic organs.

Responsible approach to caring for your healthwill allow a woman to meet as rarely as possible with such an unpleasant disease, and in most cases completely prevent the development of relapses. A woman who regularly monitors her health and takes care of the doctor's recommendations is rarely disturbed by the delay of her period and thrush.