The human brain works continuously. In it constantly different physiological and chemical processes occur. All events, experiences, movements leave their mark and are reproduced later as memories. This phenomenon has its own name, namely, the memory of a person. This concept includes several processes:

  • memorization;
  • preservation;
  • reproduction.

There are many types of memory. The basis for their selection can serve as the following: the nature of psychological activity, the nature of the relationship with different objectives of activity, the degree of awareness of memorized images (information), the period of preservation of images, the purpose of the study.

Classification of types of memory:

1. Imaginary - images are fixed, formed through perception through sensory systems. If necessary, they are reproduced in the form of representations. Such memory is subdivided into subspecies:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • flavoring;
  • olfactory;
  • tactile.

When using all the described species at oncememory, a person after some time is able to reproduce the information received with high accuracy. If you exclude one or more - the result will significantly deteriorate.

2. Motor (motor) is a memory of a person, manifested in the ability to remember, and then reproduce motor operations. For example, cycling, swimming. This kind of memory helps in the development of work skills and any motor acts.

3. Emotional - the memory of feelings. It is called the most reliable and durable. Thanks to it, a person is able to reproduce the feelings experienced before, while they can exceed their originals in strength, and also change to the opposite. The lack of emotional memory makes a person unattractive to others and uninteresting.

4. Operative memory of a person is like a short-term memory. It allows you to save information only for the execution of current operations.

5. Semantic - this is a memory of a person for words and thoughts. It can be logical and mechanical.

6. Production - intentional memorization of images, which is associated with a specific purpose and is carried out with the help of special techniques.

7. Instant - a memory that holds information without processing. It is almost impossible to manage such memory. It is divided into subspecies: iconic, echoic.

8. Short-term human memory - memory for information after a single perception with immediate playback.

9. Long-term memory for images, assuming their long-term storage and repeated playback.

10. Genetic memory is determined by the mechanism of heredity. It retains a person's inclination to certain types of activity, to actions in a given situation. It includes reflexes, instincts, elements of the human form.

11. Reproductive memory is manifested in the reproduction of the original, previously stored object. For example, drawing pictures from memory.

12. Associative memory involves memorizing and establishing functional links between objects. For example, when walking past a store, a person remembered that he needed to buy something.

13. Autobiographical - a memory for any events from their own lives that occurred in the past, regardless of the prescription.

All types of memory, no matter whatthe categories they relate are closely related. Using several types simultaneously, we improve the quality of the stored and reproduced information.

There are specially developed methodsimprove memory. Many of them are applied to children in educational institutions. Each person, if desired, can improve his memory with various exercises.