During pregnancy in the mother's womb, the fetussurrounded by an amniotic fluid, which is usually called amniotic fluid. They are important for the development of the fetus, so their outflow in the normal course of pregnancy occurs only in a certain period of labor.

If the waters begin to drift ahead of time, thisthreatens premature resolution and becomes a serious risk factor. It is necessary to understand, than such situations for the woman and the kid are dangerous. The question of how to understand that the waters have moved away must be studied by every future mother.

leakage of amniotic fluid or secretion

Symptoms of amniotic fluid loss

Many women are still interested in earlyThe way to understand that the waters have gone. The physiology of a woman is arranged in such a way that during the third trimester of pregnancy the allocation is more abundant, and this is the absolute norm. It is necessary to reveal the nature of such manifestations, what the gynecologist, the leading pregnancy should be engaged in. But the future mother for the sake of his own safety and health of the baby should be able to determine that premature fluid withdrawal has begun. It is important to know and understand what is happening in the body: leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge.

The main symptoms that can make you alert are the following:

  • Fluid outflow increases with changing position and movement.
  • If there is a significant rupture of the bladder, the fluid begins to flow down the legs. A woman can not stop the flow even by the effort of the genital muscles.
  • If the damage to the bladder is microscopic, leakage is determined solely by a smear in a female consultation or by special tests.

External differences

Distinguish between two conditions - leakage of amniotic fluidwater or secretion - it is possible by the appearance of formations on underwear or hygienic means. The waters have a transparent color (sometimes with a pinkish, greenish, brownish tinge), they are slightly unclear. The discharge can have a thicker consistency and a white, yellowish-white, brownish hue. Amblerous waters, the color of which is far from transparent, should also alert the future mother.

39 40 week of pregnancy

Special tests for home checking

To understand what is really happening(leakage of amniotic fluid or secretion) will help tests that are specifically designed to test women at home. The most effective are two research methods, the essence of which is as follows:

  • Before checking it is necessary to go to the toilet,wash the intimate area, get wet with a towel. After this, it is recommended to lie down on a clean, dry sheet or diaper. If there are spots on the surface of the tissue after twenty minutes, there is a high probability of premature discharge. The reliability of this technique is about 80%.
  • The possibility of loss allows you to identify special accessories. Gaskets for the discharge of amniotic fluid can be purchased at a pharmacy on average for 300 rubles.

Special Testing Tools

Some pharmaceutical companies producespecial pads for leakage of amniotic fluid. By external characteristics it is a completely standard hygiene package. The main difference is that each product contains special reagents. They help to reliably determine even the minimum fraction of the outflow.

The test is quite simple: the product is attached to the underwear and is left for 12 hours. Reagents react solely to amniotic fluid and color the gasket in the color of the sea wave. The study makes it possible to distinguish between urinary incontinence, the presence of excreta from the underlying problem. The hygiene package simply does not change its color.

At the first signs of outflow it is necessary at oncego to a gynecologist, because such a condition can threaten the health of the fetus and the mother. It is also better to consult a doctor if any suspicion is worried about a woman. Only an expert will help to remove unnecessary fears and reliably establish whether a woman has leakage of amniotic fluid or secretions, which are a sign of healthy functioning of the body. In any case, you must carefully listen to your condition.

how amniotic fluid flows

How to recognize the leakage of amniotic fluid with a high level of confidence?

The high efficiency is given by professionalmethods of examination. At medical examination more detailed diagnostics are carried out. Manipulating a special tool - a gynecological mirror - the midwife examines the cervix. It is likely that the woman will have to deliberately strain. If, at this point, a copious flow of fluid begins, the fetal bladder can be damaged, and the doctor determines how the amniotic fluid flows. Depending on the results of the investigation, further tactics of actions are built.

Additional manipulations

Medical test for the leakage of amniotic fluidis to determine the pH level of the vagina. If the medium is normal, high acidity will be detected. With the loss of the amniotic fluid, it becomes weakly alkaline or neutral. This method also makes it possible to determine the presence of various infectious diseases.

Often an obstetrician performs a cytologicalresearch is a special test for amniotic fluid. The substance to be separated is applied to the glass. After drying, it is determined that it is: water or physiological discharge. At the 40 week deadline, the technique is not used

If the physicians have justified their suspicions, ultrasound is ultimately performed to determine the exact amount of amniotic fluid. If their volume is less than normal, anhydrimony is diagnosed.

Risk factors

  • Infectious lesions of the genital tract, which occurred even before the onset of pregnancy or in the early stages.
  • Malformations of the uterus (mostly congenital).
  • Cervical insufficiency. The cervix is ​​poorly closed and can not cope with the pressure from the growing fetus.
  • Polyhydramnios. The diagnosis is made after ultrasound.
  • Chorion biopsy, cordocentesis, amniocentesis. Genetic disorders.
  • Mechanical injury, received while waiting for the baby.
  • Inadequate pressing of the presenting part of the fetus. Most often observed in women with a narrow pelvis and in the presence of anomalies of its development.
  • Multiple pregnancy.

how to understand that the water has gone

What is the norm?

A healthy pregnancy and childbirth meansthe following sequence of events: when there comes 38, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy, at any time can begin labor activity. When one of the fights takes place, the bubble, in which amniotic fluid is enclosed, breaks, and they flow out in a single flow. If this does not happen, the obstetrician conducts a forced puncture, which is called amniotomy.


Depending on the time when the outflow occurs, and how the amniotic fluid flows, the following classification has been developed:

  • Timely. Begins at the end of the first generic period with full or almost complete opening of the cervix.
  • Premature. When there is 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy, before the beginning of stable labor.
  • Early. Leak in the process of labor, but before the disclosure of the cervix.
  • Belated. It is due to the high density of the membranes. The outbreak begins in the second generic period.
  • High rupture of shells. Occurs at the level of the throat of the uterine neck.

Ideally, the outflow should be exactlytimely. But under the conditions of a full-term pregnancy, the term of which exceeds 37 weeks, any option may be favorable, if, as a result, normal labor activity develops. A similar condition is considered dangerous if the period is less than 37 weeks.

allotment for 40 weeks

What is dangerous leakage?

In order to understand all the consequences, which threaten premature outflow, it is necessary to understand the functions that bear amniotic fluid:

  • Barrier for infectious infection. Infection through the mother's sexual organs can reach the child in a vertical way.
  • Prevention of umbilical cord compression. Water helps to create a free flow of blood to the baby.
  • Mechanical function. The fruit is protected from negative external influences, such as shocks or falls. Conditions are created for the free movement of the baby.
  • Biologically active environment. Between the mother and the baby there is a constant exchange and secretion of chemicals.

In the case of the development of disorders, all functions suffer,but the most dangerous complication is intrauterine infection, because leakage occurs due to loss of integrity of the membranes. As a result, the integrity of the medium is lost, protection against external influences goes away, sterility is impaired. To the fetus can penetrate viruses, bacteria, fungi.

linings for leakage of amniotic fluid

If an outflow is detected ...

If the outflow occurs in the second trimester, thiscan become the cause of infection of the fetus with various infections that can overcome all protection without barriers. Once the obstetrician has ascertained that the leakage is taking place, the woman is sent for ultrasound diagnosis. This study helps determine the degree of maturity of the baby in the womb. If the kidneys and the fetal respiratory system are ready for full-fledged functioning outside the uterus, stimulation of labor is stimulated. This prevents the infection of the child by an infection.

If the fetus is not ready for selflife activities are implemented, aimed at prolonging pregnancy - doctors will expect the fetus to be ready for childbirth. Therapy is as follows:

  • Purpose of antibacterial drugs. This will help prevent intrauterine infection.
  • Strict bed rest. Peace and stable position facilitate the ongoing therapy.
  • Permanent control over health, conditionchild, since it is important every day. The baby has every chance to grow to a viable state in the mother's womb. An evaluation of his blood flow and movement is carried out.
  • The mother undergoes laboratory tests, the body temperature is measured.
  • If there are no signs of infectionExpectant tactics continue. The preparation of the child's airways for independent functioning can be carried out, for which hormonal preparations can be prescribed. This is not dangerous, all activities are aimed at preserving the health of the mother and child.

test for amniotic fluid

Instead of concluding

Premature leakage of water can notAdmit, if a woman, in the presence of risk factors, conducts appropriate prevention. For example, the timely treatment of cervical insufficiency, when a cervical suture can be applied to the cervix, a special obstetric pessary is introduced. In some cases, preserving therapy, sanitation of the genital tract and other potential infectious foci (pyelonephritis, caries, tonsillitis) are carried out. The most favorable prognosis is formed with a discharge under conditions of full term pregnancy. However, the future mother can not panic, it is desirable to remain calm and follow all the instructions of the doctor.