The drug "Fluoxetine" belongs to the groupantidepressants. This drug is able to have a stimulating and tonic effect on the central nervous system of the human body. The trade name of the drug is "Fluoxetine-Canon." This medication eliminates depression and a sense of fear, relieves negative emotions and raises the mood. The course of taking the drug promotes the growth of the working capacity of the organism.

Drug "Fluoxetine", instructionon the application of which describes its release forms, can be purchased in the form of capsules or tablets strictly according to the prescription of a specialist. This medication is for internal use. The main active ingredient of the drug is fluoxetine.

Drug "Fluoxetine", instructionon the application of which describes its effect, can increase the concentration of serotonin in the brain. It is this substance that normalizes the functioning of neurons. The process of increasing the amount of serotonin stimulates the duration of its positive effect on nerve cells.

The drug "Fluoxetine" (instruction for use indicates the main indications in which it is prescribed) is recommended in the following cases:

- with different types of depressive states;

- bulimia - uncontrolled bouts of appetite growth;

- Obsessive states;

- neuroses;

- anxiety, unrest and severe stress;

- panic attacks;

- chronic pain in the head and back;

- hyperventilation syndrome.

Medicinal product "Fluoxetine" (instructionon the application gives recommendations on its use) are used depending on the existing pathology strictly according to the purpose of the specialist. The drug is taken in the morning hours (before lunch), along with a meal. The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed in accordance with the severity of the pathology. In some cases, the drug is taken for several years. The dosage of the medication is selected by the specialist individually.

Has the drug "fluoxetine" side effects. The most common is headache and sleep disturbance. It is also likely that the weakness and decrease in vital activity, increased anxiety and excessive nervousness, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth and loss of appetite. These undesirable phenomena during the course of treatment with the drug appear in the initial stages or when using its high dosages, which are more than eighty milligrams per day.

Sometimes when taking the drug there are symptomsallergic reactions, expressed by the itch of the skin, urticaria. Also, negative actions may be manifested by increased sweat separation, pain syndrome in muscles and joints, decreased body weight and visual impairment. The action of the drug may contribute to the incontinence or delay of urination, the violation of sexual function in men, as well as malfunctioning of the kidneys, lungs and liver.

The drug is not prescribed to children and withindividual intolerance of its components. It is forbidden to take medication if the patient has epilepsy, as well as kidney dysfunction. Do not prescribe medication to patients suffering from prostate adenoma and glaucoma. Categorically prohibited taking the drug to pregnant and lactating mothers.

During the course of treatment with drug"Fluoxetine" reduces the concentration of attention. This action of the drug has a negative effect on the reaction of a person managing a motor vehicle or complex mechanisms. Older patients are prescribed a dose of medication, reduced by half. The same reduction in the amount of the drug used is also recommended for liver and kidney failure. Particular care requires the passage of a course of treatment using this tool to patients who suffer from diabetes.