Town-planning code is the most importanta legal act that regulates relations related to the zoning of territories, the development of design estimates, as well as the grant of the right to build, the rights and obligations of these individuals. It was adopted on December 29, 2004, has since undergone changes and has been supplemented more than once.

town-planning code


Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation, which actsNow, in its text contains a number of new products, which did not exist before. This applies to design rules, which was not in any previous law. And the examination of documentation, the acceptance of a ready-made real estate object, as well as the rules for changing the object, for example reconstruction, are regulated. The transition went smoothly and evenly, which was due to the fact that the code was put into effect gradually.

Territorial planning

The most important question that should be paid attention. The Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation provides such rules that would facilitate the development of the territories. And it is important to take into account social, environmental and economic factors when determining the destination of a particular territory, as well as not to ignore the issues of infrastructure development and citizens' opinion. It should be noted that local authorities also participate in the planning, which the federal legislator has given such a right. But competent work in this area should be conducted by all bodies together in order to combine efforts and achieve the desired result.

Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation


The question that should primarily covertown planning code. Introduces the term developer - an organization that has the right to build. Thus, it is understood that such a firm has a special permit. In addition, the developer may involve other individuals and legal entities, they must have qualifications in this area. They are called directly builders. Of course, the town-planning code does not contain any organizational details. They include the order of construction, reconstruction or repair. There is a reference to the fact that this can be provided for by other normative acts, apparently, of a subordinate nature.


As a general rule, it is carried out by the developer. In addition, the construction company itself is entitled to attract a third party for control. But if there are situations of an emergency nature on the site, then it is necessary to notify the state authorities about this. The certificate of inspection is the main document that allows you to evaluate the work at an intermediate stage, and the final result.

town planning code of the Russian Federation


One of the progressive legislative actsis the town-planning code, which was adopted not so long ago. In his text, an attempt was made to correct the mistakes of the past, to ensure that the construction was carried out in accordance with all norms and rules. The novels mentioned in the article were written. Of course, there are still many unresolved issues and problems, but this is an occasion for further improvement.