Department for Combating Economic Crimes(OBEP) - a unit within the Russian Interior Ministry. It provides and carries out the functions of the ministry in the sphere of economic security of the state. In addition, the OECD solves other tasks in accordance with federal legislation and orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Department for Combating Economic Crimes
Now the BEP formations are calledunits of economic security and anti-corruption (EBC). Headed by their Main Directorate (GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), established 01.03.2011 in the central office of the Ministry of the President of the Russian Federation Decree No. 248.

In the course of history, the name often changedglavka, and its tasks and functions. Especially when in 2003 the MVD sent a staff of 16,000 people from the then disbanded Federal Tax Police Service. At the same time, the ministry was entrusted with most of the functions of the FSNP destroyed.

Department for Combating Economic Crimes,of course, changed the sign on the model glavka. But among themselves, the employees call it everything - OBEP. Moscow, as a city of federal significance, has a somewhat different structure of the territorial police, in comparison with other subjects of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the units of the BEP GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the capital

In the structure of the Moscow Police Headquarters there ismanagement of E & P. But that is not all. As is known, Moscow consists of ten administrative districts. In each of them there is a subordinate directly to the leadership of the Metropolitan Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The OECD in the district is also present and is called the department of EBiPK. For example, in the HLW of Moscow, this unit is located at: 2-nd Vladimirskaya Street, 14. We will not drop to the police departments. And now let's move on to a brief history.

Trade Police of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire

obpe moscow
For the first time an attempt to create a special service to combat crimes in the economy was undertaken in the XIX century. It was a very timely decision.

The first department for combating economiccrimes was created by the head of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire Count LA Perovsky in 1842 and was named "trade police". It consisted of: vowels of the city duma, alternately allocated for a month, and trade deputation, which was annually chosen by the merchant class. This service functioned in parallel with the city police and had the right at any time to demand assistance from it.

Overstating prices, bodyguard, deception, and the sale of unsuitable products significantly worsened the plight of the poor population of Russia. Therefore, the trade police was obliged:

  • set prices for bread and meat;
  • Watch out for traders to exclude cheats, gauges and body kits;
  • prohibit the purchase of products and their resale at inflated prices;
  • to brand measures and scales;
  • observe compliance with the rules of sanitary hygiene.

Over time, the trade police were disbanded, butit remained in the history of our country as the first attempt to create a special service to combat abuses in the economic sphere. For a long time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs forgot about the control over trade.


mvd opep
In Soviet Russia, the beginning of the formation of serviceBHSS-EBiPK falls on 1919. Then the NKVD made a decision on the immediate establishment of an industrial militia. Later, on 16.03.1937, in the Main Department of the Militia of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs a department for combating theft of social workers was created. property and speculation. This day is considered the date of the formation of the BHSS service.

The subdivision referred to existed up tountil 1991, that is, before the collapse of the USSR. Then the BHSU service is part of the criminal militia as a unit for combating economic crimes (BEP KM MIA RSFSR). And, finally, today this structure is called GUEBiPK.

Thus, the history of the service is more than 170 years old.

Tasks and functions of BEP units

Department for Combating Economic Crimesrepeatedly changed its name, and OBEPom was not long. But it did not affect its essence. Prevention, detection, suppression, disclosure of crimes in the field of economics and taxation are the main tasks of the Economic Policy Department. What does the department do if you look more closely?

The first is the fight against tax violations. For this purpose, officers of the BEP units conduct operational search activities (ORM). Most often, traders get into the development if they find signs of tax crimes, which are classified in articles 198, 199, 199.1 and 199.2 of the Russian Criminal Code.

But that is not all. The OECD also conducts ORM aimed at countering other offenses. They are stipulated in Section VIII of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Crimes in the Sphere of Economics".

In the field of view of the BEP departments, when carrying out ORMs, the activity of traders often falls in the following directions:

1. Illegal cashing cash (Articles 171 and 172 of the Criminal Code, respectively). The OECD pays attention to organizations that transfer money to the accounts of one-day firms.

2. Fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Often it is very difficult to qualify it competently. The CBEC can discern in the actions of traders signs of fraud, if:

1) there is no initial possibility to fulfill contractual obligations;

2) the entrepreneur avoids contacts with the counterparty, ignores his official claims and a number of other facts.


the department of
Smuggling and non-payment of customs duties(articles 188 and 194 of the Criminal Code, respectively). At present, goods on the territory of the Russian Federation are often imported with violation of the current legislation for various "black" and "gray" schemes.

4. Unjustified refund of VAT. This offense also falls under the article "Fraud". It should be noted that today the state takes an extremely tough position on this issue. Criminal cases are instituted if there are slightest hints of this fraud and, as a rule, are under control in higher-level law enforcement agencies.

5. Corruption manifestations. This includes crimes provided for in articles 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud), 290 and 291 (receiving and giving bribes, respectively). It should be noted that today the fight against corruption is one of the priority tasks of the BEP units.

6. Violation of copyright (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This mainly includes the use of unlicensed software.

Thus, we examined what the BEP units (today's EBiPK name) are, their main tasks, functions and a brief history.