If you decide to learn how to disassemble HTC One X,then for this you will need to get acquainted with the detailed instructions, because if you start this operation without it, there is a high probability that you will damage any details. Accordingly, they will have to be replaced. Today for you we will give a detailed instruction on how to disassemble this phone model. We strongly recommend that you follow all steps according to our advice.

Special and special means

htc one x phone
The first thing you will need is to removethe SIM card holder, but it is done as follows. First, take a simple clip (preferably small) and press it into the hole where the sim card is installed. Next, you need to use a special tool that is designed to open the cases. If you do not have such a device at hand, but you need to know how to disassemble HTC One X and accomplish this task, then it is recommended to visit a special store and purchase it. In this way, you can make the back cover separation. To do this, we conduct the tool in three places on the body, they are near the upper corners and one lower.


In order to divide the phone into two parts, youyou can use a plastic card. To do this, we conduct it directly on the very perimeter of the screen. Thus, there must be separation. When parsing it happens that when you open the back cover the battery stays on it. In this case, you will also need to separate the battery. This is done with the help of the same plastic card. In fact, the phone HTC One X is not so easy to disassemble, so you need to be extremely careful. To act as carefully as possible, so as not to damage certain parts.

Thin work

how to parse htc one x
How to disassemble the HTC One X, dividing it into twoparts, you already know. In fact, this process is not so difficult. At the same time, if you act as correctly as possible, you can execute the entire process very quickly and without any damage. After the mobile device is divided into two parts, you will be able to disconnect the loops, as well as the screen itself and additional devices. Of course, when the question of how to disassemble the HTC One X is completely resolved, and everything is done right, then the work will be done very quickly and simply. The most important point is caution, because if you damage one of the parts, it will require replacement.