Widely famous this now fashionable resortbecame approximately in the middle of the nineteenth century. And previously few people even suspected of the existence of a provincial fishing village on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It was called Cannes. France, and the whole of Europe, well knew the nearby city and the port of Nice. A Cannes fame for the time being was bypassed. Glory and worldwide popularity was waiting for him ahead.

cannes france

Cannes, France. From a fishing village to an elite resort

Everything changed in 1834, when on this coast onchance was very influential British politician Lord Henry Broome. He really liked this place and the hospitality of Provencal fishermen. He decided to settle here for a long time, built a villa and began to invite guests from all over Europe. Many of the guests happily followed his example, and very soon this so-called "Cote d'Azur" became the most popular summer destination for the entire European and Russian aristocracy. And the capital of the Côte d'Azur was Cannes. France thus gained a rapidly becoming famous resort. By the number of wealthy, famous and influential people, who are constantly in it, Cannes has competed with Paris for a century and a half. The choice of these people is easy to understand, because the mild Mediterranean climate, hilly coasts, covered with dense subtropical vegetation, make staying here easy and pleasant. European aristocracy was able to choose the right places for your stay.

france canna map
And this place was southern France. The map, Cannes stretched along it along the coast for 9 kilometers, allows you to make sure of the rationality of planning a fashionable resort. The city, maybe, and is built in many respects spontaneously, but it is not meaningless. He originally deployed "face" to the sea. The most significant place on this map is the famous Croisette, it is not only the aristocracy that walks around it today. The city became the center of attraction of artistic bohemia and intellectual elite. In a sense, this is a cult place. These geographical names themselves acquired symbolic and symbolic meaning: the Cote d'Azur, Cannes, the Croisette. And this attracts a wealthy audience from all over the world to the Mediterranean coast of France.
cannes city france

The city of Cannes, France. World Film Festival

After the Second World War, Cannes even morestrengthened in their status as an aristocratic elite resort. Last but not least, this is due to the world cinema festival being held here. The world's cinematography has its own symbolic capital - the city of Cannes. France was honored with this honor for its historical contribution to this art.

cannes france sea
For all films, producers, artists, actorsand directors participation in this world festival is the highest sign of professional solvency. Even if their work did not take any prizes at this film festival, the very participation in it means a lot. The films of the Cannes Film Festival are not always addressed to the general public, they are often elitist and are available only for the advanced part of the audience.