Interest in psychology as a science about a person, histhe inner world, personal characteristics and problems of interrelation with the external environment has prompted the inclusion of this discipline in all educational programs not only of higher education institutions, but also of specialized secondary schools, as well as in school practice, in professional development programs, etc. Of course, the scope and content of the course "Psychology" in universities, courses and schools are fundamentally different, but in any case it is important for a teacher to master didactic methods of submitting material. The methodology of teaching psychology is the science of how it is most capacious to present psychology as an object for study, about the laws of the learning process, about the methods and means used for effective teaching of groups differing in age and basic education.

What is the subject of teaching methods likescience? This is the training of psychological activity. The learning process is understood differently. It is viewed as a form of interaction between the teacher and students, as a process of mastering actions, or as a form of cognitive activity.

The methodology of teaching psychology solves the followingtasks. First of all, it determines the purpose of learning. Without a clear and precise goal, it is impossible to solve other didactic tasks. If only recently the goal of teaching any discipline was to master the students with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, recently, in connection with the development of sciences and the increase in the required volume of knowledge, it becomes more important to give the students the right direction, the theoretical basis for independent study of the subject. And here the question arises: what amount of knowledge is necessary to give the student for his further independent immersion in the subject of psychology at different stages of preparation?

Methods of teaching psychology

In modern pedagogical practice, there are three main methods of teaching psychology: programmed, problematic and interactive learning.

Programmatic training is the mosta traditional way where, in accordance with the subject of the study, a program is created, goals, tasks and didactic ways of submitting knowledge, as well as forms of their control, are established or adjusted.

Problem training involves modelingvarious problem situations, in which the personality of the trainee may turn out to be. Here the comprehension of knowledge occurs through the slice of this problem, from within, while searching for ways to solve it.

Teaching psychology with the help of an interactive method allows you to immerse yourself in an object and build the process of mastering knowledge through the creation of interpersonal communication and interaction in a group.

The psychology of man is a complex andmultifaceted. Many scientific theories and views on the numerous problems identified in it are very contradictory interpreted and explained by different scientific schools and directions. In addition, interest in psychology as a science is caused by the desire of students to know themselves, to be able to design their behavior, their successful interaction in the society with the help of the acquired knowledge. This, of course, should be taken into account when teaching this subject. Thus, the methodology of teaching psychology, focused on improving the professional training of educators, in accordance with the requirements of the time, chooses modern ways of teaching. At the same time, verbal techniques (lecture classes) are combined with visual methods - viewing video recordings, using Internet resources. But first of all, the methodology of teaching psychology should be based on practical innovative methods of teaching, when students become not only active actors in the educational process, but form the process in accordance with their interests.