Vegetation period, vegetation - what is it? By these concepts mean a period of time at which a plant grows, develops.

Vegetation - what is

Vegetation period in annual and perennial plants

Let us consider in more detail what vegetation is in plants. All plants are divided according to the time of life into annuals, biennials and perennials. Each type has a certain period of vegetation.

Annuals the whole vegetation periodpass in just one season. During this time they germinate seeds, shoots are formed, buds and buds are blossoming, then the plants bloom, enter into fruiting, after which seeds are formed and death occurs. A vivid example of such plants are vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) and annual flowers (petunia).

Vegetation what is it

The period of vegetation in perennial plants proceedsseveral times, for many seasons, until they completely perish. During the lifetime, perennial cultures pass through the same growth phases as the annual ones, but in the end they do not completely die. They are dying off the aboveground part. For life, perennial passes at least five times the vegetation. But even after passing it once. the plant can die. To prevent this, gardeners update the plant.

An example of perennial crops can be various herbs, medicinal plants, garden and meadow flowers, for example, dahlias, lupins, poppies, dandelions, hosts, plantain.

Vegetation of aquatic plants

You already know what the vegetation is (what is it, duration, etc.). But how does it pass in aquatic plants?

Usually, all aquatic plants areperennial crops. The flowering vegetation period is similar to the one we examined earlier. For example, in the nymphaea, after flowering, the plant part dries out, and the roots remain wintering in the soil. After awakening, new sprouts begin to appear in her, and the whole process of vegetation continues repeatedly.

Vegetation near trees

And what is vegetation of trees? In trees, vegetation does not proceed in the same way as in herbaceous plant species. The life cycle of giants is divided into several phases that they pass in a year:

  • period of vegetation;
  • Autumn transition period;
  • peace;
  • spring awakening period.

Each of the periods has its own characteristics.


This period is considered to be the longest. At this time, the trees have the same processes as the herbs, except for death.

What is the vegetation of trees

In the middle of the growing season the treeslows growth, but all the leaves continue to fulfill their function and accumulate starch. The shoots begin to become covered with lignified bark, and the roots slow growth.

Autumn period

All new shoots are covered with wood, in allparts are harvested sugar and other useful substances that help the plant to overwinter. In the autumn time, the active growth of small roots begins. They build up before the onset of frost.


In winter all the trees seem dead, but at the verythey have a period of rest. The terrestrial part of the plant is asleep, the development stops completely, and at a depth of half a meter the root system is still developing, providing the tree with nutrients and water from the soil.

Wake-up period

Spring vegetation - what is it? As such, the concept of "spring vegetation" does not exist. This is a figurative expression, implying the beginning of the vegetative period that occurs in the spring.

What is vegetation in plants?

At this time, the trees begin to wake up. Nutrients and water begin to enter the crown, which activate the growth of the aerial part of the plant. From this moment begins bud blossoming, escalating new shoots, flowering, ripening of seeds.

Vegetation in vegetable crops

Vegetation, what is it and how does it take place in vegetable crops? As a matter of fact it is the same process, as grasses, colors and other annual plants. However, the vegetative period takes less time in vegetables.

Many are interested in vegetation (what is and howleaking) of tomato, cucumber. In these crops, active growth lasts up to 80 days, but there are varieties in which active growth lasts 120 days. After this, the plants enter the period of seed formation, which must continue the genus.

Vegetation - what is it and what is its purpose? This is a period when plants are stocked with nutrients to form seeds and prepare for hibernation.