In the theory of Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov passionarityIt is presented as the increased energy of a person, which is directed to them for the improvement of society, for the survival of the ethnos in which he was born. A high level of passionarity is diagnosed in an insignificant part of people - in three to five percent, and is an innate ability to absorb energy from the environment.

Sources of passionarity:

1) Human health. Such children are born healthy, strong and active. In the process of life they are practically not sick, and their energy is directed entirely to social activities. There are passions of the compensatory type, when a disabled person stimulates in himself the strength to achieve high results in various activities, for example becoming an Olympic champion or an organizer of recovery systems.

2) The person's libido. It is the energy of sexuality, love, desire for life. Passionate people have a high level of sexuality: they are attractive, active, cheerful, capable of displaying strong feelings. They are not exemplary family men, and their children are born, most often, out of wedlock. If the sexual energy of a person is sublimated, then it becomes capable of great achievements in politics, science or any creativity.

3) Aggression. In the theory of psychoanalysis, it is recognized as an attraction that, along with the libidinal, has an innate power, but manifests itself in the activity of the individual. Its destructive and constructive appearance is different. Destructive aggression is aimed at destruction, the desire to destroy, and constructive is the vital energy of the person, directed to protect themselves and others, to destroy the old in order to create a new one, to destroy obstacles that impede the normal development of the ethnos.

4) Fear of destruction. Strange as it may seem, it is precisely the extinction of the development processes in the ethnos that drives the passionary to active actions. Fear of death helps many people to show piles the potential of abilities, to become political or scientific figures. According to L.N. Gumilev, it is during the periods of decay of the development of ethnic groups that there are passionaries able to revive this nation or by means of conquering other territories, or by introducing new revolutionary ideas into its development within the existing structure.

Manifestations of passionarity:

1) High risk appetite. The energy of a man of this type sometimes borders on a risk to life. The passionaries described by the author are warriors, generals, revolutionaries, rebels. In general, the risk appetite is inherent in men, and women are responsible for the preservation of the family, so taking risks is not their function. Although the history of mankind has repeatedly described the cases of female passionary activity, but they perform the functions of men: Jeanne d'Arc, Dolores Ibarruri, who has the pseudonym of Passionaria.

2) Infection with energy. Such individuals have a high level of passionary induction, i.e. are able to infect with their idea or energy of all who fall into their field of influence. Human energy is capable of accumulation, as well as discharge. Crowds of sub-passionate people are first "infected" with the energy of the leader, and then spend it in that direction and in the place where the leader indicated.

Passionarity is only energy that does not havepositive or negative direction. Passionarius can become a cruel criminal, leader of a criminal group. Therefore, the management of the energy of a person who, from birth, has a high need and a craving for activity, parents and teachers should take upon themselves, directing passionarity to socially positive activity, to the development of society, and not to its destruction.