In the human body there is a hugethe number of muscles (about 640). All of them have a different structure, purpose and location. Previously, scientists have compiled atlases for anatomy, in which there are descriptions and images of muscular structures.

Thanks to the muscles of the body, a person is able to move, breathe. On the skull, there are also important mechanisms that provide facial expressions and movements of the jaw.

In the motor processes of the face, the temporal muscle is actively included. She also performs a vital role in chewing food.

function of temporal muscles

Anatomical location

The temporal muscle (musculus temporalis) is locatedon the skull on both sides, occupies the entire temporal cavity. It refers to the group of muscles of the head, is attached along the so-called temporal line, passing through three structures:

  • frontal bone (temporal margin);
  • parietal (it is sometimes called "temporo-parietal muscle");
  • temporal (scaly part);
  • wedge shaped (the surface of a large wing).

To personally feel this muscle, it is enough to rub the temporal area with your fingers. It is like "lining" this zone, it is it we often have three with headaches.

function of temporal muscles synergists or antagonists


According to its configuration, the temporal muscle resembles a fan. Individual bundles go down and join into a single tendon structure attached to the lower jaw (to the coronoid process).

If you look closely, you can see that the frontthe temporal muscle bundles attached to the frontal bone are located almost vertically. The averages, with fixation on the sphenoid bone, are directed diagonally. And the posterior ones, related to the temporal bone, lie horizontally.

The main difference between the muscles of the skull and the others in the bodyhuman - the absence of a fascial bag (except for the cheek). That is, the fibers do not "lie" in a special film "case", but are attached directly to the bones and partially weave into the skin layers.

temporalis muscle

How the muscle functions

With a strong squeezing of the jaws, you can palpate under the skin, as the fibers contract. The temporal muscle (entirely) performs the work lifting the lower jaw.

The posterior horizontal fibers function by pushing back the jaw forward. If you perform such a movement, the work of the beams is probed above the ear.

The temporal muscle is directly involved in the process of chewing food. That is, it is responsible for virtually all movements of the lower jaw.

It should be noted the importance of mimic influencetemporal muscle. With severe fatigue, lack of sleep, a person has a characteristic "sagging" mask. Since the temporalis muscle of the head also tightens the face oval, its hypotonia is precisely manifested in the drained appearance and the possible formation of wrinkles.

About synergists and antagonists

Since no structure in a living body isexists by itself, any muscle should be considered in conjunction with others. Not an exception - the function of the temporal muscles, synergists or antagonists are in constant complex interaction with each other.

Synergists call the muscular structures, which are included in the work simultaneously. That is, not one of the muscles can function in isolation.

Antagonists are muscles that perform the opposite function for a particular muscle, for the temporal muscle this is subcutaneous. They seem to work in opposition.

function of temporal muscles synergists or antagonists response

A vivid example in the human body: biceps - triceps. When one muscle contracts, its antagonist at this time stretches, and then they change places.

Often synergists and antagonists are perceived as a single whole, a certain mechanism that establishes a common balance in the human body. Their work is also taken into account in bodybuilding.

Qualified coaches and athletes build a system of training in such a way that there is no "preponderance" in one direction or another and the body looks harmonious.

Chewing Muscle

A great example of the coexistence of antagonists and synergists is chewing musculature. In total, it includes four muscles, we will consider which ones:

  • chewing - short, powerful, stretching from the zygomatic arch to the lower jaw, consists of a surface layer and a deep one;
  • medial - due to it the lower jaw can move in lateral directions;
  • lateral - similar to the previous one, also moves the jaw to the sides;
  • temporal muscle - provides "back" and "up" action.

It can be concluded that the above muscles of the face provide a vital function - chewing food. Their work should ideally be harmonious and harmonious.

temporal parietal muscle

In case of violations of the functions of one of the muscles,to manifest unpleasant consequences. Such as: asymmetry of the face, characteristic clicks in the area of ​​the TMJ (temporomandibular joint), also sensation of tension.

Painful sensations

It is interesting to understand the question: for various kinds of pain, what is the function of the temporal muscles, synergists or antagonists (the answer often depends on them) are guilty of their origin?

There are several problems that cause a person to go to doctors or resort to medicines:

  1. Headache.It can occur with spasm, contraction, then there are characteristic sensations in the temporal muscle, which require massage with your fingertips, with rubbing and pressing. It is done in the area above the ears, at a distance of about 2.5 cm. At the same time, the tension in the muscle decreases and the headache can be reduced.
  2. Areas of voltage are trigger points.They are formed with a sharp reduction in individual fibers of the musculature. The zones of tension during palpation are felt like strands or seals on a common flat muscular canvas. As a rule, they are located the same way, 2.5 cm above the ear. There may be several painful points, when they are detected, it is necessary to make pinpoints until the problem zone disappears and pain in it disappears.
  3. Toothache.Sometimes a person is forced to turn to a dentist, although he does not see any visible problems of this kind. As a rule, the doctor also does not find it, although the complaint comes about the pain in the molars of the upper jaw. This kind of trouble can also be caused by the presence of trigger points and constrictions of the temporal muscle fibers.



In many cases, the function of the temporal muscles is restored as a result of correct manipulations. Any person can independently produce self-massage and stretching (in the presence of problems).

Massing requires two zones in parallel orseparate from both sides of the skull. To do this, you need to take a comfortable pose, sit down, slightly threw back his head. The fingers of both hands should be placed on a line above the ears and perform kneading, moving up and down.

When groping for a painful point or tight strandIt is necessary to work out this zone more carefully. You can press one finger with effort (moderate, extending up to 10 seconds) until the discomfort disappears.


Tip: it is necessary to eradicate the habit of tightly clenching your teeth, chewing gum. This will relieve of many problems associated with the function of temporal muscles and TMJ.

The stretching of the temporal muscle is done as followsway. The fingers are also placed above the ears perpendicular to the direction of the fibers of the parietal zone. The mouth should be opened as much as possible. Further, taking a deep breath, the fingers need to pull up the temporal muscle tissue and stay in this position for 5 seconds.

This stretch is better to repeat 5-6 times. As a rule, this procedure removes muscle spasms, clamps, relaxes the fibers. Sometimes this way you can remove the headache or "pseudo-tooth" pain.